Real Estate Online Property Record Cards
Current VAB Year Only (2024)

Prior Years Real Estate Property Record Cards     Tangible Personal Property Record Cards

(Maximum Folio(s) displayed:  1000)

Folio Number
Mun           Sq. Mi.         Sub             Parcel
Agenda Number
Ex: 17-12345
Agent Name
Select from list below (Required to select DOR Code or CLUC)

Hearing Date Ex:  MM/DD/YYYY Hearing Room Select DOR Code OR Enter CLUC (Must select Agent Name)

DOR Code


Single PDF file for Agents having over 1,000 folios
(Select an  Agent PDF File and click the button below to download)

Report features are located in the Report Bar shown below:

The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami-Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at

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