Goodwill Ambassador Program
The Goodwill Ambassador Program came into existence as a result of sitting members of our Miami-Dade Community Relations Board, and its former Executive Director, Dr. Larry D. Capp, making the observation that major metropolitan cities, such as ours, should have in its arsenal some means for utilizing the "Goodwill Concept" to deal with the challenges of large crowds that can sometimes place uniformed law enforcement officers at odds with residents of a community.
Under the direction of the Office of Community Advocacy, the concept has evolved into its current award-winning configuration. As a result, the models first found in Daytona Beach and Washington D.C., have been fine tuned to boast an effectiveness that can now only be found in Miami-Dade County and a program recognized as a national model for delivery of excellent customer service. It is important to mention that the Goodwill Ambassadors are all volunteers, from almost every County department, who have been trained in crowd control, customer service, mediation, conflict resolution and crisis management.
Contact Us

Community Advocacy
Laura Morilla
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Suite 1034
Miami, FL 33128
305-375-1799 | [email protected]