On May 17, 2012 the Board of County Commissioners unanimously adopted County Ordinance No. 12-37 creating the Miami-Dade County Military Affairs Board, to be known as the Military Affairs Board (MAB) providing for powers and duties, composition and appointment of Board, qualifications, organization, financial support, staff and council; providing severability, inclusion in the code and effective date.
The Military Affairs Board, sponsored by former County Commissioner José “Pepe' Díaz will provide the Board of County Commissioners with recommendations regarding military affairs in Miami-Dade County specific to the Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard Reserves and Coast Guard (collectively “Armed Forces”) and active, reserve, retired, disabled and deceased military personnel in Miami-Dade County.
The board will consist of 24 members, with each one appointed by the mayor, commissioners, the various military branches located in Miami-Dade County, the Miami-Dade Defense Alliance, the greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, and the Red Cross.
Board members must meet certain qualifications to be eligible, such as being a U.S. Citizen, and having served in the military or showing interest in military affairs. Terms are for three years. Board members will advocate on behalf of military personnel on issues like health care, housing, loans, pension benefits, education, employment, incarceration, reintegration, unemployment benefits, disability claims, vocational training, and insurance.