Foster a Pet Program
As a pet foster parent, you can help save a life by caring for a cat or dog in your home until it is ready for adoption. Pet foster parents receive the training and supplies needed to help keep the animal healthy and socialized until it is ready for adoption. You can foster a pet for one week or several weeks, depending on the pet and their needs.
Due to COVD-19, all foster orientation sessions are being conducted online on a one-on-one basis.
Related FAQs
Online Options
Phone Number(s)
Customer Service
Email / Mail
- [email protected]
Foster Coordinator
Miami-Dade Animal Services
3599 NW 79 Avenue
Doral FL 33122
Locations and Hours
All Foster a Pet Program Locations

Animal Services
Annette Jose, DirectorPet Adoption and Protection Center
3599 NW 79 Avenue,
Doral, FL 33122