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Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections

We pledge to instill trust and confidence by conducting elections that are fair, accurate, transparent and accessible for all voters of Miami-Dade County.

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Woman entering precinct to vote

Find out about upcoming municipal elections including important deadlines and dates.

Municipal Elections
Table with forms laid out. There's a person on one side of the table filling out a voter registration form.

Register to vote online or by mail and review your voter registration status. Make changes if necessary.

Register to Vote
Supervisor of Elections Alina Garcia

Meet your new Supervisor of Elections Alina Garcia and learn more about her and her vision for the Office of the Supervisor of Elections.

Supervisor of Elections Alina Garcia
Image of two mailboxes

Vote by mail to avoid the lines and vote in the comfort of your own home. Also find out if we've received your mail ballot.

Vote by Mail
Close up photo of someone handing in their voter ID card to someone else

Find information about early voting for upcoming elections.

Early Voting
Miami-Dade Elections I Voted Sticker

Learn about voting on Election Day, as well as when and where to vote.

Vote on Election Day
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Specialized Information

Image of candidates checklist.

Review valuable information for candidates and those looking to run for office; County Candidates’ qualifying documents and campaign finance reports.

Close-up of wheelchair

Every registered voter in Miami-Dade, including voters with disabilities, can cast a vote.

Voters with Special Needs

Read for information on proposed constitutional amendments, initiatives and referendums.

Petition Amendments, Initiatives and Referendums

News & Events

Image of poll workers smiling. Click to read more about poll workers.

Be a proud poll worker. Make a difference, serve your community.

Mail ballot envelope

Vote-by-mail ballot requests expire after every General Election (every 2 years). Therefore, voters who vote by mail must submit a new request.

Abstract image of a padlock surrounded by stylized rings with a red to blue gradient.

See how the Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections is committed to ensuring the ongoing integrity and security of the voting process.

Photo of the U.S. Constitution

In 2018, voters approved an amendment to the Florida Constitution, commonly referred to as “Amendment 4”, to automatically restore the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence, including parole or probation.

Democracy and voting transcend borders, urging citizens living abroad to register and request ballots in advance by reaching out to their embassy or consulate for assistance.

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Data, Documents & Legal Notices

Read breakdowns of current voting precincts, districts and municipalities, including municipal codes.

Check out countywide data broken down by political party, precincts, districts and more, including demographics.

Search financial disclosures and filing status, and find information on outside employment.

Find local, statewide and federal elected officials, including their current terms in office.

Learn everything you need to know about forming a political committee.

Find legal notices regarding different municipal and countywide elections, as well as updated lists of ineligible voters.

About Us

We handle all federal, state, county and municipal elections. We also provide election services and assistance to municipalities, School Districts, Special Taxing Districts, Community Council Districts, and Community Development Districts in Miami-Dade County.

We provide services to registered and potential voters, as County candidates and political committees, third-party organizations, and the community at large.

Voting is one of our constitutional rights and key to our nation's democracy. Through your vote, you exercise your right to be heard.

The Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections is here to serve you! Please do not hesitate to email us with your questions and suggestions, or call 311 for additional information.