Three Ways to Vote
Registered voters have three convenient ways to vote: voting by mail, voting early and voting on Election Day.
No voters will be turned away from the polls for any reason. A voter who is properly registered and eligible to vote at his/her precinct may vote with a provisional ballot if eligibility cannot be determined.
While election laws require individuals who are campaigning to remain 150 feet away from polling place entrances, voters wearing campaign attire may enter the polling place to vote. These voters are asked to refrain from speaking about candidates or issues while inside of the polling place if they are wearing clothes depicting issues or candidates.
Precincts are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day. Check out the Voter Information Guide (Español) (Kreyòl) to know what information you need to bring with you to vote.
Online Options
Phone Number(s)
Customer Service
Fax Number
Locations and Hours
All Three Ways to Vote Locations
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Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections
Alina Garcia, Miami-Dade Supervisor of ElectionsMiami-Dade Supervisor of Elections
2700 NW 87 Avenue,
Miami, FL 33172