Business Recovery
As a business owner, federal, state and local preparedness and recovery assistance is available to you.
Our goal is to help minimize the number of businesses, especially small-sized and medium-sized businesses, that fail to reopen due to a lack of accurate information during and following an emergency.
We conduct annual training that can help you, the business owner, create a disaster plan. Additionally, we hold an annual exercise for all business members to test their business emergency plans.
Various disaster assistance grants and loans become available after a storm. We will recommend the different programs available to you and guide you to the agency that can provide you the resources and support aimed at your immediate needs.
Membership is free. Contact us by email or phone to join.
Business Continuity Information Network
The exchange of timely information between the private and public sectors will facilitate emergency management response and recovery. It will also enable businesses to make appropriate decisions to sustain continuity of operations.
The information is shared primarily through the Business Continuity Information Network, an internet application developed by Florida International University that provides a secure platform for the government and the private sector to communicate.
Phone Number(s)
Business Recovery
311 Contact Center
Email / Mail

Emergency Management
Pete Gomez, DirectorR. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st St,
Miami, FL 33178-2414
305-468-5400 | [email protected]