Communities Organized to Respond in Emergencies (C.O.R.E.)
Miami-Dade Communities Organized to Respond in Emergencies (C.O.R.E.) strives to better engage Faith-Based and Community Organizations (FBCOs) in planning for, responding to, and recovering from disasters that affect the community.
Engaging the whole community allows everyone to collectively understand and assess the needs of their communities and determine the best ways to organize their resources.
A component of the DHS/FEMA Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnership's "Building Resilience with Diverse Communities" effort, Miami-Dade C.O.R.E. identifies ways to connect FBCOs along the emergency management continuum.
Miami-Dade C.O.R.E. seeks to address the needs of targeted population groups during and after a disaster by creating a network of FBCOs who share a common mission of supporting their communities.
These critical partnerships engage diverse groups from private and nonprofit sectors to the general public within Miami-Dade County and are meant to empower residents and provide a greater understanding of the community's risks and capabilities.

Emergency Management
Pete Gomez, DirectorR. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st St,
Miami, FL 33178-2414
305-468-5400 | [email protected]