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  • Atoll Pools
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Hurricane Irma

As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.

  • Marina

Homestead Bayfront Park


Hours of Operation
Sunrise - Sunset
Office Hours
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Park Office


Park Description


Atoll pool is reopen to the public. 

For more information visit the park or call the park office at 305-230-3033.

  • Entrance fee: Weekends $7
  • Car: $5 weekdays; $7 weekends and holidays
  • Boat ramp launch trailer: $13 weekdays; $17 weekends (Friday-Sunday) and holidays
  • Bus/RV: $15 everyday

Flotation Devices Not Allowed
No flotation devices are allowed on our beaches. We want everyone to enjoy our waters. Following this park rule helps to keep everyone safe. It also helps us to be good stewards of the environment as well as protect our natural areas. Chapter 26 of the Code of Miami-Dade, Rule 16 states: ''No person, minor or adult, shall enter or be in water at any bathing area wearing, carrying, pushing or towing any flotation device.''

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Dade County Commission Land Purchases dated back to the beginning of the century. Because of the Commission road building policy of purchasing land to open and operate their own rock pits for providing road building material, the County was very fortunate to have this back log of areas suitable for development when the Roadside Beautification and Park programs began. Many sites were well located for roadside improvement and park purposes. It was largely because of the immediate availability of these areas, through the simple process of transferring control and responsibility from the Road and Bridge Department to the Park Department by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners, that the Park Department was able to take advantage of development funds available in the early Make-Work relief programs.

Back to Top Page Last Edited: Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:18:24 PM
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