Class IV Environmental Permit

A Class IV permit must be obtained prior to performing any work in wetlands anywhere in Miami-Dade County, per Chapter 24-48 of the Miami-Dade County Code, except for work in wetland areas requiring a Class I permit.

Because of the time and costs associated with obtaining permits for work in wetlands, property owners, prospective property owners or anyone planning any land development activity, agricultural activity or any other work in areas that may contain wetlands should contact the Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) early in their planning process, and prior to commencing any of these activities. DERM can provide important information on wetland regulations, identify wetland areas and explain any permitting and mitigation requirements

The following types of projects may be processed as Short Form Class IV Permit applications:

  • Clearing, farming, filling, dredging, plowing or any other work within wetlands requiring a Class IV Permit and not lying within the Bird Drive Everglades Wetland Basin or the North Trail Wetland Basin where the usage is consistent with existing zoning regulations and where the cumulative area upon which work will be performed does not exceed:
    • (a) One acre of wetlands in areas designated as "Environmental Protection" on the current Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan Map, or
    • (b) Forty acres of wetlands in areas designated as "Open Land" or "Agriculture" on the current Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan Map
  • Rock mining in the Transitional Northeast Everglades, the East Turnpike Wetland Basin and the C-9 Wetland Basin, when said rock mining has been previously approved as an unusual use by Miami-Dade County. However, a short form application for said rock mining shall be permitted only when the design and development criteria for the proposed rock mining project do not conflict with the prior unusual use approval by Miami-Dade County.
  • The clearing, farming, placement of clean fill, dredging, plowing or any other agricultural site alteration within the North Trail Wetland Basin or the Bird Road Drive Everglades Wetland Basin.
  • Clearing, placement of clean fill or dredging in wetlands associated with a modification of the Central and South Florida Flood Control Project, intended to restore historical patterns of hydrologic flow to Everglades National Park, Florida Bay or Biscayne Bay and performed by the State of Florida or the United States Government. Modifications intended to provide additional drainage of wetland areas shall be subject to the provisions of Section 24-48.2(II)(A) of the Miami-Dade County Code.
  • Clearing, placement of clean fill, dredging or other work in wetlands or surface waters associated with the repair, replacement or maintenance of the Central and South Florida Flood Control Project, performed by the State of Florida or the United States Government.
  • Dredging and filling in wetlands for the sole purpose of environmental restoration or environmental enhancement.
  • The construction of monitoring wells or stations in wetlands for the purpose of environmental monitoring or research unless otherwise exempt.
  • Work in wetlands associated with scientific studies conducted by public agencies, research, or academic institutions that does not otherwise qualify for approval under Section 24-48 (1) or 24-48 (2) of the Miami-Dade County Code.
  • The minimum dredging or filling in wetlands necessary for the repair or replacement of utility poles and lines.
  • All work requiring a Class II, III, V or VI Permit.

All other work not specifically described in the list of projects requiring a standard form permit application or qualifying for approval under Miami-Dade County Code Section 24-48 (1) or 24-48 (2).

It should be noted that permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) may also be required for work within Miami-Dade County's wetland areas. The map in the permit package is not intended for use in determining the limits of jurisdiction of these agencies. For more information, please the Restoration and Enhancement Section at 305-372-6575.

Applicants should contact the following offices to determine if DEP, the Corps, and SFWMD dredge and fill permits are needed for a particular area:

  • Army Corps of Engineers Miami Office: 305-526-7181
  • Department of Environmental Protection West Palm Beach Office: 561-681-6600
  • South Florida Water Management District West Palm Beach Office: 800-432-2045

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Regulatory and Economic Resources

Lourdes M. Gomez, Director

Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
11th Floor
Miami, FL 33128
305-375-2877 | [email protected]305-375-2877 | [email protected]

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