How to do Business with the County
Doing business with the County is now easier than ever. We've streamlined our operations, simplified our procedures and documentation, and brought in some of the best purchasing professionals available.
These efforts are intended to enhance the value of taxpayer dollars and better service vendors wishing to do business with the County.
Getting StartedTo get started doing business with the County, begin with:
- Vendor Registration
This may be completed at any time, but must be completed in the event you are recommended for a county contract or a small purchase order.
Look online anytime for current or future solicitations that interest you.
The Procurement ProcessThe County uses a variety of competitive methods to acquire goods and services. We work closely with departments to get what they need at the best value. Here are some of the key methods we use to acquire goods and services for our customers.
The standard method Miami-Dade County uses to acquire goods or services is the ITB process. Here, we look for the lowest price on specified goods and services. Price is the primary basis for award.
Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Some acquisitions call for the Request for Proposals and Request for Qualifications processes. Contract award for RFPs and RFQs is not based solely upon price. Other factors, such as qualifications and experience of principals and staff; methodology and management approach; understanding of the project and the County's objective; technical superiority; financial stability; experience; and history of the firm, among others, are taken into consideration.
Although the County prefers a competitive process to acquire goods and services, in unusual circumstances, where the claim can be adequately justified, a Bid Waiver or a Sole Source process may be used. Take a look at some of the items on our Advanced Notice to Waive Competition listing. If you believe you can provide the good or service we are looking for, please let us know.

Strategic Procurement
Namita Uppal
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
13th Floor
Miami, FL 33128
305-375-5773 | [email protected]