Community Redevelopment Areas, Annexations and Incorporations
Community Redevelopment Areas
Community Redevelopment Areas (CRAs) are a common government tool for redevelopment in Florida with the goal of revitalizing areas designated as slum and blight. They operate on a budget generated by the increase in property taxes within the areas.
The Board of County Commissioners approves the creation of CRAs. All are administered and overseen by Miami-Dade County.
Annexation & Incorporation
A boundary change to a municipality can be initiated by the municipality or by an individual. Notices of the proposed boundary change must be sent to affected homeowners. The municipality must hold a public hearing to discuss topics such as tax rate impacts and the delivery of municipal-type services.An application for boundary change must be filed with the Clerk of the Board and must include, among other documents, a legal description of the area, the services to be provided and its cost.
Contact Us

Management and Budget
David Clodfelter
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
22nd Floor
Miami, FL 33128