Our light assistance program is designed to provide financial support to low-income households struggling to pay their electricity bills, ensuring that everyone has access to essential utilities for a comfortable and healthy living environment. Learn more about water assistance.
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally-funded program that helps low-income households pay for cooling or heating their homes. Miami-Dade County uses LIHEAP to help qualified residents pay their energy bill and offer additional help in cases of energy crisis.
LIHEAP is providing crisis energy assistance to qualified Miami-Dade County residents who are experiencing a hardship in paying their home energy bill due to the pandemic. Eligible households can receive up to $2,000 within a 12-month period.
If your electricity has been disconnected or face disconnection you must visit a Community Resource Center. Appointments are encouraged but walk-ins are welcomed.
Eligibility and Requirements
- Reside in Miami-Dade County
- Must be a U.S. citizen or have legal permanent resident status
- Current State of Florida Drivers’ License or picture identification for all adults in the household 18 years and older
- Social Security card for all household members
- Proof of income for last 30 days
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits printout (if applicable)
- Birth certificates for children 5 years or younger
- Current electricity bill final notice or past due notice from electricity provider, or be disconnected
- If you receive Section 8 or public housing, bring a copy of your 50059 form that shows your current utility subsidy/allowance
- Signed notice regarding collection of Social Security numbers (Download notice in English or Spanish)
- Signed DEO waiver for release of general or confidential information (Download waiver)
- Proof of income for all household members for the past 30 days including, but not limited to:
- Current year Disability and/or SSI Benefit Statement
- Current year Social Security Benefit Statement
- Consecutive pay stubs (weekly 4 stubs and monthly/biweekly 2 stubs)
- Company letterhead verifying start date, pay rate, frequency of pay and average hours worked per week
- Current Pension printout
- Current Child Support Verification printout
- TANF Verification printout
- Current veteran benefits
- Current Worker Compensation benefits
- Notarized letter verifying the dollar amount of how much and how often, if someone is assisting you (attach income documentation such as pay stubs for the person assisting you)
Note: If necessary, additional documents may be requested upon review of your application in order to determine eligibility or explain current income if insufficient to meet household expenses.
Gross countable income of household size 1 – 8 members may not exceed 60 percent of the current State Median Income (SMI). Household with 9 or more members may not exceed 150 percent of the current Federal Poverty guidelines.
- 1 member in household: $30,588
- 2 members in household: $40,000
- 3 members in household: $49,411
- 4 members in household: $58,823
- 5 members in household: $68,234
- 6 members in household: $77,646
- 7 members in household: $79,411
- 8 members in household: $81,175
- 9 members in household: $87,150
- For each additional member in household with more than 9 people, add $8,070
Important Note: Households that exceed the 60 percent or 150 percent income threshold; however, the applicant or any of the household members are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), may fall under the “categorically eligible” denomination and become automatically income eligible to receive assistance from the LIHEAP Program.
There are two categories of assistance. Download the checklist in English, Spanish or Creole
Regular Home Energy Assistance
- Allows for one benefit payment once a year for eligible households
- An emergency or crisis is not required for this category of assistance
- Amount of assistance is based on household income, household size and household composition
- The maximum amount of assistance is $1,350 and not the amount of your current bill
You will receive a notice of approval or denial in the mail and if approved, a payment credit will be sent to the utility provider within 45 days.
Crisis Home Energy Assistance
- Crisis assistance is limited to once per quarter, up to $2,000 per program year (July - June)
- An applicant must have a final notice or shut-off
If eligible, a commitment to resolve your crisis will be made on your account within 24 hours.
Note: Your regular home energy application is not a commitment that your bill will be paid. If eligible, a credit will be sent to the utility provider. Applicants are advised to continue to pay the amount owed on their utility bill.
How to Apply
- Submit your application online (Temporarily unavailable)
- In person at your nearest Community Resource Center
- Mail an application to your nearest Community Resource Center or place it in a dropbox available in front of all centers (applications and supporting documentation should be placed in an envelope with your name on it)
The Florida Power & Light (FPL) Care to Share Program was implemented to provide emergency assistance funds to Miami-Dade County customers experiencing crisis situations. The households are low income and in imminent danger of having their services disconnected and are unable to make payment due to hardship or lack of funds. Applicants are screened for processing at the Community Resource Centers. Eligible applicants can receive a one-time assistance within a 12 month period, up to $500. Assistance is based on funding availability. Available at: All Community Resource Centers.
This program provides energy assistance to low-income households, with at least one person aged 60 and older, during a home energy emergency. A home energy emergency may result from a delinquent utility bill or the receipt of a disconnection notice. If your local Community Resource Center does not provide this type of service, please inquire about LIHEAP or the Care to Share Program. Note: Assistance has been temporarily put on hold until further funding becomes available.
Phone Number(s)

Community Action and Human Services
Sonia Grice, DirectorOvertown Transit Village North
701 NW 1st Court,
10th Floor
Miami, FL 33136