Tracking Details

This is the most current tracking information. Please note that some milestones take longer than others.

Process Number: 1011

Petition Type: Multipurpose

Plat Number / Location Description: Proposed District Boundaries: SW 205 AVE, SW 152 ST, SW 207 AVE

Plat Description: Proposed District Boundaries: SW 205 AVE, SW 152 ST, SW 207 AVE

Current Milestone: Preliminary Review
Preliminary Review     Petition Review     Preparing Agenda Package     Fees And Documents Due     Final Decision    

In progress...


This is the most current comments information. For additional information, please contact the petitioner. Thank you.

Entered By Entered Date Comments
[email protected] 9/23/2024 3:12:44 PM could you please call me? do you need to meet with just mee or other neighbors too? is this meeting in person or via zoom how? thank you
[email protected] 9/23/2024 3:05:06 PM could you please call me? do you need to meet with just mee or other neighbors too? is this meeting in person or via zoom how? thank you
Blake, Nadine 9/23/2024 2:50:42 PM Good afternoon, We have finally received the construction costs on your proposed district and will like to setup a Teams meeting to discuss with you as early as next week Wednesday at 10:00am. Please let us know if this is an ideal time to meet.
[email protected] 9/23/2024 12:12:08 PM hi, any news?? please tell me they are good
[email protected] 9/11/2024 3:55:15 PM hi can you email me or text me with any update ? my number is 3057998972 thank you so much
[email protected] 9/9/2024 4:06:46 PM Hi, sorry to persist but i have my neighbors asking me for updates
[email protected] 9/5/2024 9:16:16 AM HI, just wanted to follow up and see if there was any great news about our petition
Blake, Nadine 8/21/2024 5:36:08 PM Good afternoon Elaine, we are still meeting with Public Works for the scope of work needed and to develop a cost and feasibility study. We should have an answer for you in two weeks. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
[email protected] 8/19/2024 4:16:03 PM THAT WAY I CAN GIVE AN UPDATE TO ALL MY NEIGHBOORS that are very anxious about it
[email protected] 8/15/2024 2:13:38 PM and when you think we will have an answer?
Blake, Nadine 8/15/2024 1:22:43 PM Good afternoon Elaine, we are meeting with Public Works again to finalize the costs associated with your proposed road improvement project. Once this information, is obtained we would like to setup a meeting to review the feasibility of this project.
[email protected] 8/15/2024 1:16:53 PM hi can i get an update on this please ? my neighbors are asking, thank you for all the help
[email protected] 8/13/2024 3:25:47 PM hi, wanted to follow up on our request?
[email protected] 8/1/2024 3:43:20 PM OMG that is such a great news i hope everything can get done please please keep me updated on this matter its very important for us and we are excited that we have a little hope of finally having a road
Blake, Nadine 8/1/2024 1:20:18 PM Good afternoon, Elaine, we met with Public Works and determined that a road can be built and maintained outside the UDB. We will now meet with Public Works to look at the scope of work and develop a cost and feasibility study for this district.
[email protected] 7/30/2024 9:18:02 AM Additionally, the uncut grass has led to an increase in littering, as drivers seem to disregard the cleanliness of our streets. We are eager to see what can be done to address these issues. If there is any additional information you need pls lmk
[email protected] 7/30/2024 9:17:00 AM hi I wanted to follow up on our previous request regarding the need for road maintenance and improvements in our neighborhood. Our current situation has made it difficult for our children to play outside we cannot take walks around the area safely
[email protected] 7/23/2024 3:10:16 PM how long does this normally take? for us to have an answer?
Blake, Nadine 7/23/2024 10:19:40 AM Good morning. Thank you for submitting the $250 app fee and the letter of intent. We are currently working with Public Works to determine the feasibility of this road improvement district and will notify you of the petition processes once resolved.
[email protected] 7/22/2024 1:49:32 PM hi, i already sent the 250 check a week ago maybe more, i also uploaded the letter signed by 10% of the owner because it showed like it was needed again, please let me know what else might be needed or anything to have this petition go through,thanks
Blake, Nadine 7/18/2024 11:58:01 AM Good afternoon, We are in receipt of your check in the amount of $250. In the meantime, we are meeting with Public Works (DTPW) to determine the possibilities of creating this road improvement special taxing district.
[email protected] 7/15/2024 11:35:28 AM yes please any help towards this will be much appreciated, we sent the 250 payment fee to have it reviewed, we are all more than happy to have this done even if we get it charged on out properties taxes.
Blake, Nadine 6/28/2024 5:09:53 PM Good afternoon Mr. Blanco, We are in receipt of your letter of intent. We will review your proposed boundaries and will contact you in the near future if any further information is needed to start your road improvement taxing district process.