Tracking Details

This is the most current tracking information. Please note that some milestones take longer than others.

Process Number: 1028

Petition Type: CDD

Plat Number / Location Description: CDD-638678928989885126

Plat Description: Palm Gate CDD - Petition to Expand Boundaries

Workforce Housing Development Program: No

Current Milestone: Petition Review
Preliminary Review     Petition Review     Preparing Agenda Package     Fees And Documents Due     Final Decision    

Completed: 11/26/2024 9:55:23 AM

Assigned to Pierre

In progress...


This is the most current comments information. For additional information, please contact the petitioner. Thank you.

Entered By Entered Date Comments
Blake, Nadine 11/27/2024 3:29:35 PM Thank you for your payment of checks in the amount of $9,000 and $15,000. They were received in the office today.
Blake, Nadine 11/26/2024 12:28:05 PM Please be advised that the petition for Palm Gate CDD has been assigned to Pierre Jean-Baptiste. If you have any questions regarding this petition, please feel free to reach out to [email protected] or 305-375-3270.
Jeudy, Samantha 11/26/2024 9:55:14 AM All documents have been received, thank you.