County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 131-140 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
35-3027-007-0050 Vacant Land Surplus 12 9,503 I-INTENSIVE USE Adjacent to: 3192 NW 77th Ct, Doral, FL 33122 CRUDELE AIRPORT IND PK PB 86-29 N35.01FT OF E250.09FT OF TR E & E50FT OF W62FT OF TR H & PROP INT IN & TO LAKE OF PB 86-90LOT SIZE 9503 SQ FT OR 20532-1337 0602 3
35-3027-017-0021 Pump Station In Use 12 606 CC-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 3903 NW 79 AVE N H DARSKY SUB PB 118-13 W30FT OF S41.4FT TR B LOT SIZE 606 SQ FTF/A/U 30-3027-017-0021
35-3027-018-0030 Pump Station In Use 12 871 I-INTENSIVE USE 8305 NW 27 ST B FLIGHTWAY PARK PB 119-63 TRC LOT SIZE .02 AC M/LOR 11569-718 0882 5 F/A/U 30-3027-018-0030
35-3027-037-0010 Office Building In Use 12 592,634 CC-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 7800 NW 29 ST 2801 NW 79 AVE BLUE HERON LAKE PB 144-2 T-15487 TR A LOT SIZE 13.605 ACF/A/U 30-3027-000-0020 OR 19540-2059/19963-4227 0201 5 3
35-3027-037-0020 Vacant Land In Use 12 223,852 CC-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL BLUE HERON LAKE PB 144-2 T-15487 TR B LESS DESC BEG SW COR OF TR B & N/R/W/L OF NORTH LINE CANALTH N 01 DEG W 5.36FT S 84 DEG E 7.96FT S 88 DEG E 192.08FT
35-3027-037-0030 Lake In Use 12 371,305 CC-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL BLUE HERON LAKE PB 144-2 T-15487 TR C LESS BEG 187.31FTE OF SW COR OF TR C TH N 00 DEG W5.50FT N 89 DEG E 11FT S 0 DEG E 5.50FT S 89 DEG W 11FT TO POB &
35-3027-060-0028 Vacant Land In Use 12 1,353 I-INTENSIVE USE DORAL CONCOURSE PB 156-27 PORT OF TR C DESC COMM AT SE COR OF TR C TH N 01 DEG W 243.04FTN 89 DEG W 204.47FT S 00 DEG W 13FT FOR POB CONT S 00 DEG W
35-3027-073-0030 Pump Station In Use 12 4,226 DMU-URBAN CENTER - CORE PARK SQUARE APARTMENTS PB 171-086 T-23339 TRACT C (LIFT STATION) LOT SIZE 4226 SQFT M/LFAU 35 3008 067 3195 & 3290
35-3028-000-0041 Environmentally Sensitive (non EEL) In Use 12 8 I-INTENSIVE USE Between N.W. 87 & 97 Ave justN. of N.W. 25 St 28 53 40 8.17 AC M/L PT OF AN 80FT DADE COUNTY CANAL R/W RUNNING THRU S1/4 OF SEC LOT SIZE IRREGULARF/A/U 30-3028-000-0041
35-3028-001-0010 Office Building In Use 12 24 IC-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG MDFR HQ -9300 NW 41 STREET 9300 NW 41 ST 28 53 40 24.125 AC M/L E A L - DORAL COMPUTER CENTER PB 91-50 TRS A & B LESS PORT OF TR B DESCBEG NW COR OF PB 91-50 TH S 88 DEG E 227.84FT S593.75FT SWLY AD