County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 151-160 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
35-3030-010-0140 Pump Station In Use 12 1 I-INTENSIVE USE 3001 NW 109 AVE FREE ZONE IND PARK PHASE 4 PB 135-29 TR A LOT SIZE 900 SQ FTF/A/U 30-3030-010-0140
35-3030-030-0320 Pump Station In Use 12 1 I-R-INDUSTRIAL - RESTRICTED 3621 NW 114 AVE MIAMI INTL BUSINESS PARK SEC 1 PB 151-8 T-19865 TR A LOT SIZE 2025 SQ FTFAU 30-3030-001-0010-0011-0012 & 0060
35-3032-000-0051 Environmentally Sensitive (non EEL) In Use 12 3 IPF-COMMUNITY FACILITIES 32 53 40 3.33 AC M/L N40FT OF NW1/4 & N40FT OF NW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF NE1/4 & N40FT OF W1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NW1/4 OF NE1/4 FORDADE COUNTY CAN R/W LOT SIZE IRREGULAR
35-3032-000-0124 Parking Lot In Use 12 16,639 CC-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL NPA 25.784944, -80.361782 Doral, Florida 32 53 40 0.382 AC M/L PORT OF S1/2 OF SEC 32 DESC COMM SE COR OF SW1/4 OF SEC S 89 DEG W 118.68FT N 01 DEG W 80.01FT N01 DEG W 481.55FT CONT N 01 DEG W 358.49FT S 90 DEG W 84.73FT
35-3032-008-0011 Pump Station In Use 12 1,785 CC-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 1275 NW 107 AVE 32 53 40 .041 AC M/L MIAMI INTERNATIONAL MALL PROP PB 117-84 PORT TR A DESC BEGIN 71.1FTE &1604.65N OF SW COR OF SEC TH CONT N45FT E40FT S45FT W40FT TO
35-3032-008-0015 Library In Use 12 4 CC-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 10315 NW 12th St, Doral, FL 33172 10315 NW 12 ST MIAMI INTERNATIONAL MALL PROP PB 117-84 COMM SE COR OF SW1/4 OF SEC TH S 89 DEG W 118.68FT N 01 DEG W80.01FT N 01 DEG W 481.55FT FOR POB TH 273FTW S64 DEG W 497.7FT
35-3032-009-0100 Pump Station In Use 12 600 IC-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG 9911 NW 21 ST DIMITRAKIS INDUSTRIAL PARK PB 120-72 TR A - LIFT STA SITE LOT SIZE 600 SQ FTF/A/U 30-3032-009-0100
35-3032-022-0110 Pump Station In Use 12 1 I-INTENSIVE USE INTERNATIONAL CORPPARK SEC 3 PB 149-93 TR D LOT SIZE .047 AC M/LFAU 30-3032-000-0130 & 010-0020 FAU 30-3032-022-0110
35-3033-000-0083 Pump Station In Use 12 1,611 I-INTENSIVE USE 9560 NW 25 ST 33 53 40 .037 AC M/L E40FT OF W940FT OF S40FT OF N180FT OR 10925-1188 1080F/A/U 30-3033-000-0083
35-3033-001-0261 Pump Station In Use 12 600 I-INTENSIVE USE 8720 NW 13 TER EXPRESSWAY IND PK PB 94-44 N20FT OF E30FT OF LOT 7 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 600 SQ FT LIFT STATION NO 116F/A/U 30-3033-001-0261