County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 261-270 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
25-3031-016-0040 Pump Station In Use 12 1 UI-2-INDUSTRIAL - HEAVY MFG 10900 NW 17 ST HUGHES SUPPLY SUB PB 149-18 T-19172 TR A LOT SIZE 1000 SQ FTFAU 30-3031-004-0281 F/A/U 3030310160040
25-3031-021-0020 Pump Station In Use 12 3,354 UI-1-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG BEACON TRADEPORT PHASE I PB 151-73 T-19840 TR B LOT SIZE .077 AC M/LFAU 30-3031-000-0015 & 003-0010 OR 18444-2220 0598 3
25-3031-027-0040 Pump Station In Use 12 1 BU-2-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL DOLPHIN MALL PB 156-82 T-20071 TRACT D (AKA PUMP STATION SITE)) LOT SIZE 0.059 AC M/LFAU 30-3031-000-0010 OR 19902-2903 0201 3
25-3031-028-0010 Office/Warehouse In Use 12 8 UI-1-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG 11500 NW 25th St, Sweetwater, FL 33172 11500 NW 25 ST BEACON TRADEPORT PHASE IV PB 157-03 T-20368 PORT OF TR I BEG NW COR OF TR I TH N 89 E 749.62FT S 01 DEG E349.81FT S 22 E 70.17FT S 01 DEG E 53.75FT S 88 DEG W 710.41FT
25-3031-028-0012 Vacant Land In Use 12 23,459 UI-1-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG Adjacent to: 16 NW 115th Ave, Miami, FL 33172 BEACON TRADEPORT PHASE IV PB 157-03 PORT OF TR I DESC BEG 381.93FTS OF NW COR OF TR I CONT S 01 DEGE 366.55FT N 88 DEG E 64FT N 01 DEG W 366.55FT S 88 DEG W 64FT
25-3031-029-0010 Parking Lot In Use 12 3 UI-1-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG Adjacen to: 11500 NW 114th Ave, Miami, FL 33172 BEACON TRADEPORT PHASE V PB 158-16 PORT OF TR J DESC COMM AT MOST NWLY COR OF TR I OF PB 157.3 THN 89 DEG E 749.62FT S 01 DEG E 349.81FT S 22 DEG E 70.17FT
25-3935-007-0090 Antenna In Use 12 87,120 UI-1-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG 2215 NW 129 AVE BEACON LAKES PHASE 2 PB 165-080 T-21896 TR I (FIRE STATION) LOT SIZE 87120 SQ FTFAU 30 3935 000 0011 F/A/U 3039350070090
25-3935-007-0100 Pump Station In Use 12 1 2221 NW 129 AVE BEACON LAKES PHASE 2 PB 165-080 T-21896 TRACT J (PUMP STATION SITE) LOT SIZE 2750 SQ FTFAU 30 3935 000 0015 COC 25520-0643 11 2006 3
25-3935-010-0730 Pump Station In Use 12 1 UI-1-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG PAN AMERICAN WEST BUSINESS PARK PB 167-015 T-21876 TR C (PUMP STATION) LOT SIZE 2925 SQ FTFAU 30 3935 000 0030 OR 26560-3207 12 2007 3
25-3935-013-0030 Pump Station In Use 12 1 UI-1-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG BEACON LAKES SOUTH PB 168-016 T-22767 TR A (PUMP STATION) TR SIZE 2925 SQ FTFAU 30 3935 000 0023 OR 26853 1690 01 2009 18