County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 321-330 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
30-3903-001-0320 Wellfield In Use 12 217,800 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO 3 53 39 5 AC FLA FRUIT LAND COS PB 2-17 E1/2 OF TR 54OR 20729-4345 1002 3
30-3903-001-0321 Wellfield In Use 12 217,800 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO 3 53 39 5 AC FLA FRUIT LAND COS PB 2-17 W1/2 OF TR 54FAU 30-3903-001-0320 OR 20781-3703 1102 3
30-3908-000-2600 Vacant Land Not in use 12 62,683 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO NPA 25.846667, -80.460252 MDC Florida 8 53 39 1.439 AC E190FT OF W1955FT OF N1/2 OF N1/2 OF N1/2 OF SW1/4 OR 16549-1158 0394 3
30-3908-000-2850 Environmentally Sensitive (non EEL) In Use 12 59,372 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO Everglades 8 53 39 1.363 AC M/L E180FT OF W2035FT OF S1/2 OF S1/2 OF N1/2 OF SW1/4 OR 16549-1158 0494 3
30-3908-000-3110 Vacant Land Not in use 12 59,372 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO NPA 25.844687, -80.465016 MDC, Florida 8 53 39 1.363 AC E180FT OF W595FT OF S1/2 OF S1/2 OF N1/2 OF SW1/4 OR 16549-1158 0494 3
30-3908-000-3170 Vacant Land Not in use 12 59,372 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO NPA 25.845231, -80.460188 MDC, Florida 8 53 39 1.363 AC M/L E180FT OF W2215FT OF S1/2 OF S1/2 OF N1/2 OF SW1/4 OR 16549-1158 0494 3
30-3911-001-0010 Wellfield In Use 12 23,304,600 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO 13700 NW 58 ST 13700 NW 58 ST 11 53 39 535 AC FLA FRUIT LAND CO SUB PB 2-17 TR 1 TO 7 INC 9 TO 12 INC 14 TO 27 INC & S1/2 OF TR 28 & 30 TO 34INC & 36 TO 42 INC & 44 & 45 & 47 TO 51 & 53 & 54 & 56 & 58 THRU 62
30-3911-001-0020 Wellfield In Use 12 435,600 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO NW corner of N.W. 127 Ave & 82 St 11 53 39 10 AC FLA FRUIT LAND CO SUB PB 2-17 TRACT 8 OR 10578-1449 1179 5
30-3911-001-0030 Wellfield In Use 12 435,600 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO N.W. 132 Ave & App. 85 St 11 53 39 10 AC FLA FRUIT LAND CO SUB PB 2-17 TRACT 13 LOT SIZE IRREGULAROR 14843-2388 1290 3
30-3911-001-0040 Wellfield In Use 12 217,800 GU-INTERIM-AWAIT SPECIFIC ZO 11 53 39 5 AC FLA FRUIT LAND CO SUB PB 2-17 N1/2 OF TRACT 28 LESS W35FT LOT SIZE IRREGULAROR 16725-2583 0395 4 COC 26471-0800 07 2008 3