County Owned Real Estate Properties
Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.
Folio | Property Type | Status | Comm District | Lot Size | Zoning | Location | Address | Legal Description |
30-8913-000-0820 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 217,800 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 5 AC N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SW1/4 OR 20210-2911 012002 2 (5) | ||
30-8913-000-0840 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 206,039 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 4.73 AC S1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SW1/4 LESS W35FT FOR R/W OR 16690-3730 0295 3 | ||
30-8913-000-0860 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 217,800 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 5 AC N1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SW1/4 OR 15652-1197 0892 1 | ||
30-8913-000-0870 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 217,800 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 5 AC S1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SW1/4 CASE #00-299 0101 OR 19834-4156 0801 3 | ||
30-8913-000-0920 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 217,800 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 5 AC S1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OR 14730-1259 1090 4 | ||
30-8913-000-0930 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 217,800 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 5 AC W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OR 14814-845 1190 5 | ||
30-8913-000-0960 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 9 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 9.47 AC SE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 LESS E35FT FOR R/W OR 11906-84 0983 5 | ||
30-8913-000-1100 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 217,800 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 5 AC M/L S1/2 OF SW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SE1/4 OR 24957-4471 0906 3 | ||
30-8913-000-1130 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 217,800 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 5 AC M/L S1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OR 24957-4471 0906 3 | ||
30-8913-000-1210 | Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) | In Use | 9 | 217,800 | AU-AGRICULTURE | 13 58 39 5 AC M/L N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SE1/4 OR 13562-2341 1287 5 |