County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 461-470 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
30-5920-007-1310 Park In Use 11 43,560 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL SHOREWAY SUB PB 156-38 T-20241 TRACT J LOT SIZE 134 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0015 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-007-1320 Park In Use 11 1 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL SHOREWAY SUB PB 156-38 T-20241 TRACT K LOT SIZE 888 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0015 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-007-1330 Park In Use 11 1 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL SHOREWAY SUB PB 156-38 T-20241 TRACT L LOT SIZE 845 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0015 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-007-1340 Park In Use 11 1 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL SHOREWAY SUB PB 156-38 T-20241 TRACT M LOT SIZE 447 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0015 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-007-1350 Park In Use 11 1 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL SHOREWAY SUB PB 156-38 T-20241 TRACT N LOT SIZE 163 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0015 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-008-1550 Park In Use 11 43,564 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL FANTASY REEF PB 156-34 T-19812 TRACT A LOT SIZE 452 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0016 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-008-1560 Park In Use 11 5 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL FANTASY REEF PB 156-34 T-19812 TRACT B LOT SIZE 426 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0016 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-008-1570 Park In Use 11 5 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL FANTASY REEF PB 156-34 T-19812 TRACT C LOT SIZE 852 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0016 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-008-1580 Park In Use 11 5 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL FANTASY REEF PB 156-34 T-19812 TRACT D LOT SIZE 192 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0016 OR 19906-4366 0201 3
30-5920-008-1590 Park In Use 11 5 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL FANTASY REEF PB 156-34 T-19812 TRACT E LOT SIZE 184 SQ FTFAU 30-5920-000-0016 OR 19906-4366 0201 3