County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 761-770 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
30-3121-042-0100 Pump Station In Use 3 33,617 IU-1-INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT MFG 3355 NW 46 ST 21 53 41 0.77 AC M/L KINAWARES INDUSTRIAL PB 60-50 TRACT B BLK 1 LOT SIZE 33617 SQUARE FEET
10-7813-043-0300 Public Housing In Use 9 1,550 SWPUN-NMU-PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT 335 SW 5 ST MC CLAINS SUB PB 3-6 LOT 40 LOT SIZE 25.000 X 62
10-7813-043-0140 Public Housing In Use 9 1,875 SWPUN-NMU-PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT 335 SW 4 CT M C CLAINS SUB PB 3-6 PORT OF PARC 3.6 #10 LOT 16 LOT SIZE 25.000 X 75OR 11115-2340 0581 3
01-4121-007-5090 Public Housing In Use 7 5,800 T3 R-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL 3335 CHARLES AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 PARCEL 12-14-04 A/K/A LOT 40 BLK 29 LOT SIXE 50.00 X 116.00
30-3121-044-0010 Vacant Land In Use 2 127,270 IU-2-INDUSTRIAL - HEAVY MFG 3333 NW 38 ST 36TH ST HIGHLANDS REPLAT PB 69-31 THAT PORT OF TR A LYG S OF 41ST ST & LOTS 13 THRU 18 BLK 3 PER36TH ST HIGHLANDS PB 22-73 LOT SIZE 127270 SQ FT
01-4121-012-0370 Public Housing In Use 7 6,200 T3 R-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL 3330 THOMAS AVE DE HEDOUVILLES PB B-150 PARC 12-11-01 AKA LOT 34 LOT SIZE 50.00 X 124
10-7813-043-0310 Public Housing In Use 9 1,550 SWPUN-NMU-PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT 333 SW 5 ST MC CLAINS SUB PB 3-6 LOT 41 LOT SIZE 25.000 X 62
01-0108-090-1080 Public Housing In Use 3 27,500 T6-8-L-RESIDENTIAL-LIBERAL RETAI 333 NW 4 AVE MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 LOTS 9 & 10 & S100FT LOT 12 & LOT 14 BLK 89 LOT SIZE 5000 SQUARE FEET
10-7813-043-0250 Public Housing In Use 9 1,875 SWPUN-NMU-PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT 332 SW 4 CT MC CLAINS SUB PB 3-6 LOT 32 LOT SIZE 25.000 X 75
01-4121-007-4920 Public Housing In Use 7 5,800 T3 R-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL 3314 WILLIAM AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 16 BLK 29 A/K/A P 12-14-05 LOT SIZE 50.00 X 116.00