County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 821-830 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
08-2128-005-0020 Vacant Land In Use 2 15,246 B-O-COMMERCIAL - PROFESS OFFI 3090 NW 135 ST 28 52 41 .35 AC NILE GDNS SEC 2 RESUB PB 52-94 TR B LESS S150FT BLK 364 LOT SIZE 15054 SQ FTCOC 22111-4715 03 2004 3
10-7813-043-0020 Infill Housing Lot Not in use 9 1,875 SWPUN-NMU-PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT Adjacent to: 308 SW 4th St, Homestead, FL 33030 308 SW 4 ST MC CLAINS SUB PB 3-6 LOT 2 LESS N10FT FOR RD LOT SIZE 25 X 65 OR 17746-2451 0797 3
01-4116-035-0670 Vacant Land Surplus 7 271 T4-R-MULTI-FAMILY - 38-62 U/A 3077 SW 27th Ln, Miami, FL 33133 3077 SW 27 LN COM SILVER BLUFF PB 14-59 LOT 20 LESS W9.65FT & LESS E12 FT BLK 9 LOT SIZE 271 SQUARE FEET
01-4120-058-0010 Office Building In Use 7 2 T6-12-O-COMM/RESIDENTIAL-DESIGN D 3071 SW 38 AVE DOUGLAS ROAD WASD PLAT PB 158-31 T-20777 LOT 1 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 95422 SQ FT M/LFAU 01-0100-000-0022
30-4929-019-2430 Pump Station In Use 11 0 RU-1M(b)-MODIFIED SINGLE FAM RES 3071 SW 38 AVE KINGDOM DREAM PB 159-99 T-20712 TRACT F LOT SIZE 360 SQFTFAU 30-4929-001-0110 0120 & 0211 OR 26672-4045 10 2006 3
30-7909-031-0360 Public Housing In Use 8 7,378 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL 30705 SW 155 CT 21ST CENTURY HOMES 4TH SEC HUD PROJECT FLA 5-52 B-45 PB 100-35 LOT 32 BLK 7LOT SIZE 7378 SQ FT OR 10914-2220 1080
30-3121-028-0450 Vacant Land Not in use 3 2,610 RU-2-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 3064 NW 45 ST ROOSEVELT PK ADD NO 1 PB 9-165 LOT 13 BLK 8 LOT SIZE 30.000 X 87 OR 17604-0457 0397 3COC 26153-3797 01 2008 3
01-4120-059-0010 Metrorail Station In Use 7 16,293 T6-12-O-COMM/RESIDENTIAL-DESIGN D 3060 SW 37 CT DOUGLAS ROAD STATION PB 158-32 T-20776 LOT 1 BLK 1 LESS PORT LYING IN PB 169-33LOT SIZE 16293 SQ FT M/L FAU 01 4117 003 2720
30-3121-028-0440 Vacant Land Not in use 3 2,610 RU-2-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 3060 NW 45 ST 21 53 41 ROOSEVELT PK ADD NO 1 PB 9-165 LOT 12 BLK 8 LOT SIZE 30.000 X 87OR 20129-1746 1201 3
30-3121-028-0600 Vacant Land Not in use 3 3,915 RU-2-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 3055 NW 44 ST 21 53 41 ROOSEVELT PARK ADD NO 1 PB 9-165 LOT 29 & W1/2 LOT 30 BLK 8 LOT SIZE 45.000 X 87OR 22059-0104 0204 3