County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 851-860 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
01-0210-060-1342 Metrorail Station In Use 5 495 T6-48b-O-RAPID TRANSIT-HIGH DENSIT 30 SE 5 ST PATTERSON & OLIVE SUB PB B-77 PARCEL # S2A A/K/A BEG 25FTN & 53FTW OF NE COR LOT8 BLK 108 CONT W17FT N46FT E17FT S46FT TO POB LESS COMM X OF
30-7909-027-0430 Not Determined In Use 8 1,220 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL 29930 SW 149 AVE 9 57 39 KINGSWOOD MANOR PB 94-86 TRACT A LOT SIZE 1220 SQ FT
30-3121-026-1740 Vacant Land Not in use 3 6,036 RU-2-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 2992 NW 44 ST ROOSEVELT PARK PB 9-90 LOTS 19 & 20 BLK 6 LOT SIZE 69.380 X 87 COC 22512-3844 07 2004 3
24-4232-002-0125 Library In Use 7 50,965 GU-COMMUNITY FACILITIES 299 CRANDON BLVD 32-33 54 42 & 4-5-6 55 42 1.17AC MATHESON EST PB 46-86 PORT TR 4 BEG SW COR SD TR NELY ALG W/L TR4 501.63FT S 79 DEGE105FT S 12 DEG W135.34FT S349.09FT W103FT TO POB
30-7908-005-0040 Vacant Land In Use 8 112,500 BU-1A-COMMERCIAL - ARTERIAL 29650 S DIXIE HWY SEMINOLE HGTS NO 1 PB 21-55 LOTS 5 THRU 19 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 112500 SQ FT OR 22677-3337 0904 3
30-7908-026-0150 Infill Housing Lot In Use 8 2,940 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL 29646 SW 158 PL 29646 SW 158 PL GREENWOOD VILLAS PB 126-60 LOT 1 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 2940 SQ FT& INT IN COMMON AREA OR 15967-255 0693 5
30-7908-026-0180 Infill Housing Lot In Use 8 3,350 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL 29640 SW 158th Pl, Homestead, FL 33033 29640 SW 158 PL GREENWOOD VILLAS PB 126-60 LOT 4 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 3350 SQ FT& INT IN COMMON AREA OR 23146-687 0305 3
30-7908-005-0030 Vacant Land In Use 8 30,750 BU-2-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 29600 S DIXIE HWY 8 57 39 PB 21-55 SEMINOLE HGTS NO 1 LOTS 1 TO 4 INC BLK 3 LESS N15FT FOR R/WPR ADD 29600 S FEDERAL HWY LOT SIZE IRREGULAR
30-3121-026-0710 Vacant Land Not in use 3 2,871 RU-2-DUPLEXES - GENERAL Adjacent to: 2960 NW 45th St, Miami, FL 33142 2956 NW 45 ST 21 53 41 ROOSEVELT PARK PB 9-90 W3FT LOT 11 & LOT 12 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 33.000 X 87OR 17933-0157 1297 3
30-7905-000-0321 Parking Lot In Use 8 2 UC-MC-UC CENTER - MIXED USE CORRIDOR (MC) 4 MAX HT 29500 S DIXIE HWY 5 57 39 2.10 AC BEG X OF N R/W/L SR 5 & S/L SEC NE ALG R/W/L 520.30FT N136.02FT NWLY 60.60FT ALG S/L R/W/L OFCANAL TO SELY R/W/L OF FEC RR SWLY ALG R/W/L TO S/L OF SEC