County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 891-900 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
30-7901-001-0010 Homeless Shelter In Use 9 522,624 BU-1A-COMMERCIAL - ARTERIAL 28205 SW 124 CT COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP SOUTH PB 153-66 T-19643 TR A LOT SIZE 11.998 AC M/LFAU 30-7901-000-0160
30-7901-001-0030 Homeless Shelter In Use 9 102,718 BU-1A-COMMERCIAL - ARTERIAL 28200 SW 124 CT COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP SOUTH PB 153-66 T-19643 TR C LOT SIZE 2.358 AC M/LFAU 30-7901-000-0160
30-7905-000-0162 Park In Use 8 375,487 EU-M-ESTATES - 15000 SQFT LOT 28151 SW 164 AVE 5 57 39 8.62 AC BEG 50.71FTE & 40FTS OF NW COR OF NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SEC TH N 89 DEG E 573.23FT SELYAD 39.04FT S 01 DEG E 548.18FT SWLY AD 39.51FT S 89 DEG W
01-3133-024-1360 Right-of-Way In Use 5 1,190 T3 O-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 2812 NW 13 ST KEW GARDENS PB 8-9 BEG AT NW COR LOT 18 E34.24FT SWLY63.36FT N53.19FT TO POB BLK 10LOT SIZE 1190 SQ FT
30-7901-001-0060 Homeless Shelter In Use 9 1,072,121 RU-4L-MULTI-FAMILY - 22-37 U/A 12360 SW 283 ST 28100 SW 126 CT COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP SOUTH PB 153-66 T-19643 TR F & TR G LESS BEG MOST ELY COR OF TR G TH S 34 DEG W54.77 FT N 55 DEG W 50FT N 34 DEG E 52.59FT NELY AD
01-3124-018-1180 Public Housing In Use 3 7,150 T3 L-SINGLE FAM - ANCILIARY UNIT 281 NW 47 ST BUENA VISTA HGTS EXTN PB 3-64 PARC 06-14-01 AKA LOT 14 BLK 30 LOT SIZE SITE VALUE
35-3027-037-0010 Office Building In Use 12 592,634 CC-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 7800 NW 29 ST 2801 NW 79 AVE BLUE HERON LAKE PB 144-2 T-15487 TR A LOT SIZE 13.605 ACF/A/U 30-3027-000-0020 OR 19540-2059/19963-4227 0201 5 3
30-3129-000-0030 Warehouse In Use 6 501,301 IU-3-INTENSIVE USE 2800 NW 39 AVE 29 53 41 11.508 AC M/L BEG 899.90FTE M/L OF NW COR OF SE1/4 TH NWLY TO SLY R/W/L SAL RR 643FT NELY AD 290.18FT SELYAD 1085.10FT W TO POB LESS EXT AREA IN SW COR & LESS S15FT FOR
01-3113-048-0320 Public Housing In Use 3 9,200 T3 O-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 280 NW 57 ST RAILROAD SHOPS INTERSCHOOL TR PB 3-192 PARCEL 72-8 AKA LOT 10 & N42FT LOT 15 BLK 2LOT SIZE 50.000 X 184
07-2215-001-0031 Pump Station In Use 4 912 B-2-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 2790 NE 164 ST 10-15 52 42 EASTERN SHORES PB 65-28 BEG AT NE COR LOT 3 BLK 1 FOR POB RUN W24FT S38FT E24FT N38FT TOPOB BLK 1 LOT SIZE 912 SQUARE FEET