County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 901-910 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
01-3124-018-0340 Public Housing In Use 3 7,150 T3 L-SINGLE FAM - ANCILIARY UNIT 279 NW 49 ST 24 53 41 BUENA VISTA HGTS EXTN PB 3-64 PARC 06-07-01 AKA LOT 15 BLK 26 LOT SIZE 50.00 X 143
30-4014-010-0020 Maintenance Facility In Use 6 1,047,791 BU-2-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 2775 SW 74 AVE 2775 SW 74 AVE UTILITIES CENTER PB 50-91 PORT OF TR 1 DESC BEG SW COR OF TR A OF PB 126-72 TH E743.45FTN504.76FT E493.40FT SELY & SLY AD 38.56FT S 33 DEG E 44.14FT
01-3126-051-0100 Public Housing In Use 3 10,700 T3 O-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 2772 NW 11 AVE BON AIRE PB 7-12 LOTS 12 & 13 LESS N5FT A/K/A FLA 2-27 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 100.000 X 107
01-3207-029-0100 Health Clinic In Use 3 8,100 T6-8-O-COMMERCIAL - NEIGHBORHOOD 277 NE 80 TER FRANKLIN PARK PB 6-75 LOT 10 LOT SIZE 8100 SQUARE FEET OR 19230-4264 0803 3
30-4014-010-0021 Pump Station In Use 6 1 BU-2-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 2765 SW 74 AVE UTILITIES CENTER PB 50-91 PORT OF TR 1 DESC COMM AT C/L X OF CORAL WAY & SW 74 AVE TH S 87DEG E 35.03FT S602.86FT SELY AD 466.68FT FOR POB TH NWLY AD 14FT
30-3121-023-0520 Vacant Land Not in use 3 7,691 RU-2-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 2761 NW 47 ST AMD PL OF BROWNS SUB PB 5-98 LOT 19 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.600 X 152
01-0109-050-1090 Office Building In Use 5 73,514 CI-COMMUNITY FACILITIES 275 NW 2 ST MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 LOTS 6 THRU 15 BLK 95 LOT SIZE 73514 SQ FT OR 20047-3590 1101 3
25-4006-001-2291 Pump Station In Use 12 225 T-1-TRAILER PARKS 275 NW 112 AVE SWEETWATER GROVES PB 8-50 PORT LOT 5 BLK 24 DESC BEG 35FTE & 1050FTN OF CENT OF SEC TH W15FT S15FT W15FT N15FT TO POBLOT SIZE 225 SQ FT
01-3133-024-1480 Right-of-Way In Use 5 5,051 T3 O-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 2744 NW 12 ST KEW GARDENS PB 8-9 LOT 6 LESS N203FT M/L FOR EXWY BLK 12 LOT SIZE 5051 SQUARE FEET
30-6935-010-0010 Public Housing In Use 9 10 RU-4L-MULTI-FAMILY - 22-37 U/A 27101 SW 128 AVE HUD FLORIDA 5-72 PB 114-14 TRACT A LOT SIZE 419918 SQ FT OR 10964-2761 1280