County Owned Real Estate Properties

Showing 951-960 (4729)

Conveyance Pending: Properties that have been conveyed via BCC Resolution, pending recording deed .
In Use: Properties that are in use by a County department or have a planned future use.
Leased: County-owned property Leased to a Non-County Agency.
Not in use: Properties that are not in use by County departments; however, they have not been formally declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners.
Surplus: Properties categorized as surplus have been approved for sale by the Board of County Commissioners and are available for purchase

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Following list is provided for information only and the properties listed are not all available for sale to the public.
For a current list of County-owned properties available for sale or conveyance, please use County Owned Properties for sale.

Folio Property Type Status Comm District Lot Size Zoning Location Address Legal Description
02-4203-003-1100 Affordable Housing Rentals In Use 5 6,500 259 WASHINGTON AVE OCEAN BEACH FL SUB PB 2-38 LOT 16 BLK 8 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 130 OR 17050-0292 1295 5
01-3124-019-1150 Public Housing In Use 3 5,400 T3 L-SINGLE FAM - ANCILIARY UNIT 259 NW 43 ST COLUMBIA PARK CORR PL PB 8-114 PARC 06-13-01 AKA LOT 17 BLK 6 LOT SIZE 50.00 X 108
30-6925-010-1690 Pump Station In Use 8 1,628 RU-1-SINGLE FAMILY - GENERAL 25779 SW 123 PL MEADOW WOOD MANOR SEC 9 PB 136-15 TR D LOT SIZE 1628 SQ FTF/A/U 30-6925-000-014 & 0152 OR 14217-0744 0889 3
30-3110-061-0010 Park In Use 2 894,038 IU-2-INDUSTRIAL - HEAVY MFG 2575 NW 71 ST 2575 NW 71 ST MILLS SUB PB 40-90 BEG 351.28FTE OF SW COR SEC 10-53-41 TH N200.02FT E303.05FTN280FT E25.23FT N361.8FT E314.08FT S96.67FT E132.01FT
06-2216-000-0040 Pump Station In Use 4 80 PUD-PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Coral Gables 2575 NE 156 ST 16-15 52 42 80 AC PORT OF SEC 16 & 15 BEG 868FT N OF SE COR SEC 16 TH W2084.35FT NELY AD 821.86FT N 15 DEG E1038.44FT E1542.37FT TO NE COR OF SE1/4 S 10 DEG E INTO SEC 15
01-3113-048-0540 Public Housing In Use 3 42,600 T3 O-DUPLEXES - GENERAL 256 NW 56 ST RAILROAD SHOPS INTERSCHOOL TR PB 3-192 PARCELS 97-6 THRU 97-11 AKA LOTS 7 THRU 12 BLK 3LOT SIZE 300 X 142
10-7813-009-0221 Fire Station In Use 9 41,868 GP-COMMUNITY FACILITIES 255 NW 4 AVE FISKE MANOR PB 15-63 PORT OF BLK 2 DESC BEG 137.99FTN OF SW COR OF BLK 2 CONT N 00 DEG W 165FT N 89 DEG E 286.88FT S 00DEG E 146.67FT S 89 DEG W 121.54FT S 00 DEG E 19.33FT S 89
30-4912-057-0150 Pump Station In Use 11 1 BU-2-COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL 2545 SW 122 AVE LAS AMERICAS CENTRAL PLAZA V PB 125-54 TR P-LIFT STA LOT SIZE .075 AC M/L
16-7824-007-2140 Park and Ride In Use 9 208,099 C-1-COMMERCIAL - NEIGHBORHOOD 254 W PALM DR 24-25 57 38 TOWN OF FLA CITY PB 2-74 LOTS 3 & 8 THRU BLK 19 & LOTS 1 THRU 21 BLK 25 &PORT OF NW 2 AVE LYG S OF NW 2 ST & N OF PALM DR & E OF BLKS
30-4018-065-0450 Pump Station In Use 10 43,560 RU-TH-TOWNHOUSE 2521 SW 114 AVE LES GARDENS PB 122-9 TR A LOT SIZE .02 AC M/L