Commissioner McGhee received the 2023 Complete Streets Champion Award
Left to Right: Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee displays his award with Aileen Bouclé, Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Executive Director. Commissioner McGhee speaks at the Safe Streets Summit Awards.
(Photos by: District 9/Miami-Dade County)
MIAMI-DADE – Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee received the Complete Streets Champion Award during the 10th Annual Safe Streets Summit Awards Ceremony on Feb. 3, 2023, at the Diplomat Resort Convention Center, 3555 S. Ocean Dr., Hollywood, FL 33019.
As the Chair of the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Non-Urban Core Task Forces, Commissioner McGhee has approved three projects through the SMART Street Transportation Enhancement Program (STEP). These projects represent the needs of the South Dade community and will improve safety for all while increasing connectivity for the residents.
“I am honored and humbled to receive this award,” said Commissioner McGhee. “To improve the quality of life in our community, it is important to focus our attention on transportation and the safety of our streets. Miami-Dade County needs to be pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly as we work towards having a better infrastructure and transportation system for our residents. This award encourages me to keep working to make sure the needs of our residents who use our transportation system the most are met.”
The Safe Streets Summit Awards are an opportunity to highlight individuals and jurisdictions that have led to create better streets for all. Commissioner McGhee was nominated to receive this award by Aileen Bouclé, Executive Director, Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO).