Commissioner Diaz helps break ground on new Sweetwater fire station
Commissioner Diaz, center, helps break ground on Sweetwater Station #29.
(Photos by Armando Rodriguez / Miami-Dade County)
MIAMI-DADE – Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz participated in the July 26 groundbreaking ceremony for a modernized Sweetwater Station #29 at 351 SW 107th Ave.
The newly rebuilt 11,248-square-foot station will provide reduced response times and life-saving services to the residents of Sweetwater. It will house one rescue unit, one suppression unit and one Battalion unit with eight uniform personnel 24/7.
The original Station #29 was demolished and replaced with temporary trailers due to a state road widening project. Part of the funding for the new station will come from a $200,000 grant from the Florida Division of State Fire Marshal’s Office.
"Fire Station #29 is one of the busiest stations in the County, and this newly rebuilt station will serve the needs of the rapidly growing community," said Commissioner Diaz, who sponsored the resolution authorizing the state grant.
Commissioner Diaz at the station grounbreaking