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Dear Friends of District 8,
It's officially summer and we are beating the heat with plenty of legislative wins and initiatives. I am especially proud of the release of the Prosperity Agenda. Read on to find out how we are working to close the inequality gap in our county.
We are gearing up for the second annual South Dade Solutions Summit. This year's focus is on marketing South Dade as the ideal place to live, work and play. Scroll below to find out more information on how community leaders are keeping it #GreatIn8.
Did you miss our Dogs of Summer Expo in Homestead? Mark your calendar, because District 8 will host a second expo and adoption event in July.
Tell us what you think! Reach out to us at [email protected], call us at 305-375-5218/305-378-6677 or chat with me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Yours for a prosperous South Dade,
Daniella |
June 2016
Daniella Delivers
On May 25th my office, Chairman Monestime, Commissioner Jordan, the FIU Metropolitan Center and Citibank released a prosperity initiatives report. I commissioned the report to explore the state of prosperity in our county and specific, innovative solutions to challenges facing us. The findings show a growing inequality gap and the urgent need to craft a shared civic agenda that focuses on growth, sustainability and opportunity for all. The cost of inaction is just too high. I am committed to taking action and I will propose policy solutions that address the recommendations outlined in the report, including community land trusts, children's savings accounts and social enterprise incubators. We can change the trajectory and reverse this data.
Explaining the new shared Prosperity Agenda
Delivering Policy Solutions
There were many wins at the BCC this month, from political transparency to the environment. Let us know what you think and be sure to send us potential policy solutions.
- I am happy to report that my ordinance requiring elected officials and candidates to disclose when they raise funds for a political committee passed the Board of County Commissioners on May 17th. Keep reading to find out about new initiatives coming forth that focus on restoring trust in government. Commissioner Zapata's companion item requiring disclosure for 501c4s and political parties passed committee and will go to the full board soon.
- My resolution establishing new standards for Community Redevelopment Agencies passed unanimously after a year's worth of discussion with stakeholders and a robust debate. The new guidelines incorporate the transparency recommendations from the Grand Jury Report on CRAs, local hiring, affordable housing and small business goals.
- The Board unanimously approved my resolution urging the Florida Public Service Commission to deny Florida Power and Light's plan to make the public pay for the clean-up of the pollution at Turkey Point.
- My ordinance prohibiting Styrofoam in county parks and beaches passed 12-1. The ban will go in effect in 2017 after a one-year education and publicity campaign.
- The South Miami-Dade Busway is now officially the "South Dade Transitway" as a pre-cursor to much improved transit service. The item was sponsored by me, Commissioner Suarez and Commissioner Moss.
Tell us your suggestions by emailing [email protected] or calling 305-378-6677/305-375-5218.
Unveiling Tiger Shark Way
One of my favorite events this month was the "Tiger Shark Way" street renaming.
Congrats grads!
What's Coming Up
Upcoming Policy Solutions
There will be two BCC meetings in July before the August recess. Check out what legislation is up this summer:
- My ordinance declaring trees with Laurel Wilt disease a public nuisance and enforcing the removal of trees with the disease will go to the BCC on July 19th.
- I will present a resolution that aids in restoring the health of Biscayne Bay by transferring 45 acres of environmentally sensitive wetlands from the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department to the Biscayne National Park Service.
Have Your Say on How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent
Miami-Dade County government has officially begun its Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget season following the Property Appraiser's recent release of the estimate of taxable values in the county. You can get involved in the budget process by attending public hearings and letting your elected officials know how you would like your tax dollars spent.
The first public hearing will take place July 19th at 9:30 am at the Stephen P. Clark Center (111 NW 1 St, Miami, 33128). At this meeting the Board will set the preliminary tax rate, known as the millage. After this vote, the millage can be lowered but not increased. There will be two additional public hearings September 8th and September 22nd to refine the budget. Learn more about the budget process here.
Please contact us with any questions about legislation and how to get involved: 305-375-5218, [email protected].
So Nice, We Did It Twice: Second Annual South Dade Solutions Summit
Last year Commissioner Moss and I held the first South Dade Solutions Summit and began developing the South Dade Action Plan. Find out more about this year's summit.
Flashback to last year's summit
A Dog's Day in District 8
Plenty of pups (and their humans!) joined us for the Dogs of Summer Expo in Homestead. Residents took advantage of the on-site pet grooming, dog training workshop and, most importantly, several pets were adopted from the Miami-Dade Animal Services Department. The event was so popular that we will hold another Dogs of Summer Day on July 16th from 10am-2pm at Coral Reef Park. Keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter for more information coming soon.
Boggy was adopted on Father's Day!
Keep Up with District 8
Great in 8 Profile: Mom and Pop Grant Selection Committee
We are fortunate in District 8 to have some wonderful volunteers. Bob Jensen and Wendy Francois are two of those committed individuals that make South Dade a great place to live. This year they participated in an independent committee that reviewed over 60 grant applications and selected 30 small businesses to receive grants.
Bob retired in 1982 in Homestead as a Navy Commander after 28 years as a cryptologist. He and his wife Meda have been married 58 years and are parents to four children and grandparents to three. After retiring from the Navy, Bob became an officer of the 1st National Bank of South Florida and served as the Bank's Vice President for Community Liaison. Bob has shown his commitment to the South Florida community by serving on the Miami-Dade County Historic Preservation Board and the County Cultural Affairs Council. He is the long-time president of the Florida Pioneer Museum and the Homestead Historic Town Hall Museum. He has served as the Chamber of Commerce Chair and Chair of the Chamber's Military Affairs Committee. He has been the lay leader and church council chair at Silver Palm United Methodist Church, where he is a liturgist.
Wendy is an attorney who was born and raised in Homestead and for nine years lived in New York City where she attended college and law school. Her desire to become a lawyer was a direct result of being the daughter of Haitian refugees and a first generation American. She moved back to Miami in 2012 and hopes to make professional and social contributions that have a lasting impact on the community. Her interests include politics and policy, fashion, art, travel, and philanthropy.
I am so grateful to Bob and Wendy for their service to our community.
Getting South Dade Hurricane Ready
Hurricane season has started and our South Dade leaders want to make sure we are all prepared.
Mayor Eugene Flinn wants Palmetto Bay to be #HurricaneReady
Contact Daniella and Team 8 |
What's Happening? |
Recycling Tip of the Month
Welcome to our new feature, the recycling tip of the month. Every issue, we will include a quick tip to make recycling simple and easy.
Did you know you can recycle cardboard? Items such as packing boxes, cereal boxes, gift boxes, corrugated cardboard and even milk cartons can all be recycled. Just be sure to flatten all boxes before placing them in your cart.
P.L.A.Y. at the Deering Estate this Summer
The Deering Estate will hold several fee free P.L.A.Y. (Preservation, Learning, Adventure, Year-Round) days this summer on cultural and evironmental topics. Visit their website for more information.
Love the Everglades Symposium
Join me at the Love the Everglades Summer Symposium on August 6th. This year's event promises to build on prior successes and look towards the future. Register for the symposium here.
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