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For Immediate Release:
September 18, 2015

Media Contact:
Det. Daniel Ferrin

Miami Beach Police Department To Formally Commend MDPD Bomb Disposal Unit


The Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) will formally commend the Miami-Dade Police Department's (MDPD) Bomb Disposal Unit, in a ceremony that will take place next Tuesday, September 22 at the MDPD Fred Taylor Headquarters Building in Doral.

The commendation stems from a bank robbery that occurred on July 2, 2015, in Miami Beach.  In that incident, a man entered the bank at 780 41st Street, violently assaulted two employees, causing serious head injuries, and then fled the bank, leaving behind an object that resembled an explosive device.  The MDPD Bomb Disposal Unit responded to the scene, removed the suspicious object, and rendered it safe.

"The MDPD Bomb Disposal Unit is an amazing team that has provided vital assistance to Miami Beach for many years," said Miami Beach Police Chief Daniel J. Oates. "We are pleased to honor these fine professionals for all they do to protect us."

In response, MDPD Director J.D. Patterson thanked Chief Oates for this move to formally commend the MDPD Bomb Disposal Unit. "The collaboration between our two police departments to protect our citizens is the ultimate example of true teamwork," Director Patterson said.

Who: Miami Beach Police Department

What:Miami Beach Police Department presents MDPD Bomb Disposal Unit with a commendation

When: September 22, 2015, 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.

Where:MDPD Fred Taylor Headquarters Building 9105 NW 25 Street, Doral, FL 33172.



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