Media Advisory Header

For Immediate Release:
May 18, 2021

Media Contact:
Det. Angel Rodriguez
[email protected]

Speeding and Aggressive Driving Campaign


As part of our ongoing commitment to keep the streets of Miami-Dade County safer, the Miami-Dade Police Department will initiate the Speeding and Aggressive Driving Campaign. This campaign is funded by the Florida Department of Transportation and aims to reduce the traffic crashes that result in serious and fatal injuries. Officers will distribute educational materials to our community and enforce traffic laws.

For more information or safety tips, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @miamidadepd

Who: Miami-Dade Police Department, Hammocks District, Neighborhood Resource Unit

What:Speeding and Aggressive Driving Campaign

When: May 19, 2021, 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.

Where:Krome Avenue SW 200 Street - Kendall Drive 157 Avenue SW 120 - 136 Street



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