Hurricane Irma

As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.

PortMiami Procurement

PortMiami aims to efficiently and effectively facilitate the timely acquisition of goods and services to meet its operational needs. We follow all applicable Miami-Dade County procurement policies and procedures to ensure a fair, transparent and inclusive process.


Current PortMiami Opportunities

Typically, a pre-bid meeting is scheduled prior to the bid due date to answer any questions regarding the solicitation or the selection process.



PortMiami, a vital economic engine contributing $43 billion annually, is the lead grant applicant and recipient. The project site (“site”) is located on County-owned land, within MIA properties. MIA is located within District 6, which is represented by Commissioner Kevin M. Cabrera. The impact of this agenda item is countywide, as the Port is a regional asset and generates employment for residents throughout Miami Dade County (“MDC”).

PortMiami applied for and received support through the federal Port infrastructure Development Grant Program to develop a fumigation and cold chain processing center (“facility”) on MDC-owned land. The facility will promote increased international trade to and from PortMiami, a principal United States trade gateway to Central, South America and the Caribbean. The funding will construct a building shell to contain a minimum of one (1) new phytosanitary treatment equipment and cold-chain processing center.

The Fumigation and Cold-Chain facility will be operated through a third party, undergoing a vetted competitive bidding process, following all MDC procedures. PortMiami will release a Request for Proposals (RFP) for submissions to operate the facility to be constructed by the Port, and shared in operations between the Port, MIA and a third party.

Present Project Site Survey #65533 Completed in 2011

Site Description
The site comprises of approximately 14 acres and graded for construction. The site is bounded by Milam Dairy Road to the west, NW 12th Street to the south, industrial and commercial uses to the east, and a railroad to the north. As per the approved grant application, the site is located with MIA properties and within ten (10) miles from PortMiami. The site is currently vacant and provides for temporary parking.


Market Study

As part of the planning process, PortMiami (“Port”) was tasked to complete the Cold Chain Processing and Fumigation Facility Program and Development Study (“Study”) for the project.

The Study determined that by having fumigation services and cold chain processing in the same site, the County can optimize its limited real estate by providing a one-stop multi-service facility to increase its competitiveness in the South Florida and national markets, reduce truck traffic, and lower diesel emissions across the County. Therefore, PortMiami reached out to several industry leaders to assist in preparation of this Study for a Cold Chain Processing and Fumigation Facility (“Facility”) with the following objectives:

  • Define current and future cold chain processing and fumigation needs for the Port based on industry experience.
  • Generate recommendations for the Facility. The Port undertook a data-collection effort by creating and distributing a questionnaire about existing local and regional market conditions for Cold Chain Processing and Fumigation facilities. The responses to the questionnaire and follow up meetings with industry leaders identified key operational needs and deficiencies to meet existing and future service demand. Based on these responses and research, this Study identifies the need for the Facility and provides recommendations to accommodate increase demand, with expansion capability to accommodate future demands.
  • Fumigation and Cold Chain Processing Facility Market Study 


Upcoming Projects

Notice to Qualified Contractors
Contract/Project Name: Moisture Remediation Services
Contract/Project No.: M2024-010
Contact Person(s) & Phone No(s): Ivonne Andres at 305-347-4919
Advertisement Date: January 9, 2025
Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference: January 16, 2025 at 10:00 A.M., at PortMiami, 1015 North America Way, Second Floor Main Conference Room, Miami, Florida 33132
Contract/Project Bid Due Date: March  3, 2025, by 2:00 P.M. (Bids must be submitted at PortMiami, 1015 North America Way, Second Floor (Reception Desk), Miami, Florida, 33132)


Other business opportunities

For other business opportunities that may interest you, check the Procurement Management web page.


Industry Notices

No notices at this time. Check back for future updates.