Media Contact:
Patty Abril
[email protected]

Statement from Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez on private transportation regulations

MIAMI ( May 17, 2020 )

Private transportation companies operating in Miami-Dade County are reminded that they must comply with any rules that are in effect through various emergency orders issued throughout the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Face coverings are required for drivers and passengers. In addition, drivers should not work if they are feeling sick; close contact between persons should be avoided and social distancing measures observed; disinfectant spray, disposable wipes and disposal trash bags should be kept in vehicles, and frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned often.

It has also come to our attention that Miccosukee Resort & Gaming has reopened. Miami-Dade County does not have jurisdiction over tribal casinos or their operations. However, we strongly encourage any shuttle services to the casino to adhere to social distancing guidelines and the CDC recommendations for for-hire vehicles and transit operators.

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