Media Contact:
Patty Abril
[email protected]

Statement from Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez on curfew injunction

MIAMI ( October 17, 2020 )

On Friday, October 16, 2020, Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Judge Beatrice Butchko issued a temporary injunction barring Miami-Dade County from enforcing the countywide curfew issued by County emergency order to combat the spread of COVID-19. The ruling was handed down in response to a complaint from the adult entertainment company known locally as Tootsie’s, challenging the County’s Emergency Order 30-20, as amended.

Miami-Dade County has filed an appeal. As of right now, the County cannot enforce the curfew at businesses until resolution of the appeal. From a practical matter, the curfew is unenforceable until the appeal is settled by the courts. However, we can and will continue to enforce the County’s orders on facial coverings, distancing and important rules governing public health protocols for businesses.

I want to reiterate that if everyone wears masks in public places and stays away from large social gatherings, which can trigger dangerous super-spreader events, we can continue to keep the COVID-19 positivity rate low and not overwhelm our hospitals with very sick patients.

Our public health experts are predicting a rise in cases and a potential spike by mid-November, which is why everyone must take special care to follow the safety rules. I am asking our residents and business owners to keep your guard up and diligently follow the County’s safety rules to protect our community during this pandemic. Please, continue to do your part to save lives.