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Patty Abril
[email protected]

Miami-Dade County to resume enforcement of evictions in limited cases

Eviction moratorium remains in place for cases filed in court after March 12, 2020

MIAMI ( November 13, 2020 )

After a thorough review to ensure a policy that’s fair to both tenants and property owners, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez has directed Miami-Dade Police to resume enforcement of writs of possession in all cases filed on or before March 12, 2020.

The limited resumption of evictions will be subject to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agency Order, which provides federal eviction relief until December 31, 2020, to eligible persons. See copy of the CDC order here.

Miami-Dade County’s limited resumption of evictions also follows the expiration of Governor Ron DeSantis’s Executive Order No.  20-211.