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Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava announces additional public safety enforcement measures

MIAMI ( June 04, 2021 )

Today, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava directed her administration to launch new efforts to step up enforcement and protection in the wake of this week's shootings.

"This past week our county and our community has been struck with a wave of tragic violence, due to the despicable acts of a few bad actors," said Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. "The safety and wellbeing of all our families and neighborhoods is my top priority, and we must put an end to this cycle of violence and senseless killings. I am fully committed to making sure Miami-Dade Police Department has all the resources needed to pursue these criminals and keep our community safe. Additionally, starting this weekend we will deploy joint Police and Code Enforcement Special Units to carry out an inspection surge, to investigate and shut down businesses operating illegally where some of the violence is taking place."

Police and Code Enforcement Special Units

To expand monitoring and enforcement of potential illegal activity in commercial locations that foster
environments of lawlessness and violence, joint Police and Code Enforcement Special Units will carry out a surge of proactive inspections on holidays and weekend nights until further notice. These proactive inspections will take place in areas that Miami-Dade Police Department has identified as high-risk and with a history of problematic behavior.

Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) Additional Enforcement Measures

This week, MDPD launched Operation Summer Heat to step up enforcement alongside law enforcement partners heading into summer months. Additionally, they will begin to deploy other enforcement measures including:

  • Evening checks of unlawful parties that attract large crowds with Code Enforcement and the Fire Marshal
  • Proactive enforcement details with other law enforcement agencies
  • Hot spot checks
  • DUI enforcement checkpoints
  • Nuisance abatement activities
  • Probation sweeps
  • Deployment of additional license plate readers (LPRs)
  • Real time crime center operations
  • Expanded community policing operations

Read the Mayor's memos here and here.