Customers can submit the below applications and plans or corrections to existing permit applications electronically using our Submission Portal. Plans submitted for review through the submission portal must be digitally signed and sealed. Your design professional will need to provide you with an electronic version of your plans that are digitally signed and sealed.
- New Building Permit Applications for building, roofing, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire alarms, access control, fire sprinklers or work that require the submittal of plans (initial submittals)
- Applications and plans for Zoning Improvement Permits (ZIPs)
- Revision Applications to an existing permit, including plan revisions, and shop drawings. Some revisions require a submittal of the original plans along with revised pages
- Any corrections to existing permit applications and plans described above (reworks). A complete Contact Sheet will be required for any type of submittal
- Building Permit Applications for Change of Contractors, including the Hold Harmless form and the Change of Contractor Waiver Form (if applicable)
- Building Permit Applications for Permit Extensions
- Building Permit Applications to Reissue Expired Permit along with the approved plans
- Municipal Permit Applications and plans should be submitted through the above link except for applications from cities already using the e-municipal system. E-municipal system includes Bal Harbour Village, City of Miami, and Town of Miami Lakes; plans are required to be digitally signed and sealed. These municipalities will submit your applications directly to the County electronically. For municipalities not currently using the E-municipal system, the following items are required:
- The city’s permit application including the city’s building application process number
- Include the Miami-Dade County Municipal Permit Application and Contact Sheet
- Plans and documents are still required to be digitally signed and sealed.
For any type of submission, please name documents according to online submission guidelines.
Can I still submit paper plans?
Applicants who submit plans in-person in paper format will be assessed a conversion fee based on the current fee schedule. These fees must be paid in addition to required upfront fees prior to the documents being sent for plan review. Additionally, conversion may add extra time to the review process. For more information, contact Permit Records at 786-315-2100, or email [email protected]
Licensed Contractor may use the e-permitting system for the following:
- For residential roofing permits, storm panels or accordion shutters permits. Plans will also be accepted through Submission Portal.
- For subsidiary permits that do not require plan review. Applications will also be accepted through Submission Portal.
Customers can register to meet with plan review, permitting and inspection staff in-person or virtually via telephone or Microsoft Teams through the online registration system (MeetQ) or by calling 786-315-2100.
Design Professional Days
Design professionals may request in-person or virtual appointments with plan review staff at the Permitting and Inspection Center to have questions about review comments clarified or to have minor re-works performed. Appointments are available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Check the disciplines below to schedule your design professional appointments:- For Building, Electrical, Roofing, Mechanical, Plumbing, Structural, Zoning, Impact Fees and Public Works, requests for appointments can only be made on Friday for the following Monday
- For Fire Rescue, requests for appointments can only be made on Monday for the following day
- For DERM Core, DERM Specialties, Fire Rescue and Department of Health, requests for appointments can only be made on Wednesday for the following day
- Check the guidelines for virtual Microsoft Teams meetings:
- Plan Review Supervisors List services. Customers can get clarification on plan review comments, discuss rework fees, or resolve other issues by meeting with Plan Review Supervisors. For days and times, register through the online registration system (MeetQ) or call 786-315-2100.
- Inspection Supervisors List and Trade Inspector services. Customers can discuss inspection results or resolve issues. For days and times, register through the online registration system (MeetQ) or call 786-315-2100
- Building Permitting Small Business and Homeowner Assistance Team (CHAT). The Small Business and Homeowner Assistance Team is available by appointment only, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Miami-Dade County's Permitting & Inspection Center (PIC). Customers may schedule an appointment online or by calling 786-315-2388. For more information about these services, email [email protected].
- For Building, Electrical, Roofing, Mechanical, Plumbing, Structural, Zoning, Impact Fees and Public Works, requests for appointments can only be made on Friday for the following Monday
Payments of permit, impact, reinspection and other fees can be completed online via E-payment or by visiting the Permitting Inspection Center (PIC) from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. For questions about acceptable forms of payment or other payment processing issues, call the Cashier Section at 786-315-2381 or 786-315-2382.
Certain inspections will be conducted virtually. Inspections can be scheduled either online or by calling 786-315-2100. When scheduling the inspection, the permit holder must provide a contact name and phone number in the comment line. Inspection results can also be found through the route and results portal.
Certificate of Use inspections may continue through these procedures. Certificate of Use inspections will be conducted virtually.
Virtual inspections are conducted by using a video call on a smart phone or tablet to interact with the RER inspector. When entering your inspection request, you must enter a contact name and telephone number. Your assigned inspector will be contacting you with specific instructions about the inspection. In preparation for your virtual inspection, follow the instructions to download the required Microsoft Teams app for your Apple or Android device.
- Instructions for virtual inspections - Android
- Instructions for virtual inspections - iPhone
- Instrucciones para inspecciones virtuales - Android
- Instrucciones para inspecciones virtuales - iPhone
To learn more, visit Inspections.
- For Process Number Extensions, submit your request letter as an attachment to [email protected] requesting the extension and the reason it expired. The letter must be signed by either the property owner, design professional or contractor on record
- Flood Elevation Certificate must be submitted in person at the Permitting Inspection Center at the DERM Counter. Please complete the contact sheet and attach the Flood Elevation Certificate (must be original and in color). The Elevation Certificate will be processed and reviewed within 48 hours.
- Submit Certificate of Use Miami-Dade applications (folio starts with 30) via the Portal. To schedule Certificate of Use inspections, call 786-315-2660.
- For municipal CU applications, submit online via the Portal. Refer to the user guide for step-by-step information, including the required application form. See complete instructions for Certificates of Use
- Obtain microfilm services, such as plans for existing buildings, through E-Microfilm. For plans not available online or further assistance, call 786-315-2340 or email [email protected]
- To release an Owner-Builder verification hold for a process number, schedule an appointment online or call 786-315-2388. Appointments will be conducted in person or virtually via Microsoft Teams
- Permit cancellation requests can be submitted to [email protected]. Following receipt of your request, you will receive instructions via email
- For Board and Code Administration for general inquiries, email [email protected] or [email protected]
- For Contractor Licensing assistance, inquiries, or updates to your license, email [email protected] or call 786-315-2880
- Product Control applications for Notices of Acceptance (NOA) can be submitted electronically. Applicants can email the completed Product Control Application to [email protected]
- Applications can also be mailed to the Permitting and Inspection Center, 11805 SW 26 Street, Miami, FL 33175. Reference the file number
- Upon receipt, staff will review the application and communicate with the applicant regarding fee payment and as the application progresses. Once the review is complete, the applicant will receive the NOA via email.
- For Water and Sewer New Business, call 786-315-2717
- For Department of Health assistance (new septic systems, repairs, modifications, well permits, inspections, and general information), call 786-654-6620 or email [email protected]
- For Public Works Permits, call 786-315-2708
- For Fire Engineering Bureau, call 786-315-2770.
- For Process Number Extensions, submit your request letter as an attachment to [email protected] requesting the extension and the reason it expired. The letter must be signed by either the property owner, design professional or contractor on record
Residents may contact the Code Compliance Division to report complaints or inquire on the status of existing enforcement cases. Customers can meet with the Code Compliance Division staff to discuss violations or enforcement holds on a process number either in-person or virtually through the online registration system (MeetQ).
For other Code Compliance inquiries or assistance:
- Lien Services: call 786-315-2777 or email [email protected]
- Building support (unsafe structures, work without permits): call 786-315-2424 or email [email protected].
- Contractor enforcement: call 786-315-2424 or email [email protected]
- Neighborhood code compliance: call 786-315-2552
- Obtain additional contact information for Code Compliance Section
To provide for continuity of services, the following procedures have been established for the submittal of email correspondence for inquiries, submittal of permit applications and submittal of other documents for DERM review directly to the respective program areas.
Upon receipt of electronic files, a staff member will be assigned and will get back to you via email as soon as possible. In addition, telephone numbers for each program area are provided where customers can leave messages and staff will contact you.
- For general information, call 305-372-6789 or email [email protected].
- View a complete list of DERM permit types, applications, and guidance documents.
- View a list of online services.
Air Quality Management Division
Submittals associated with asbestos reviews, notifications and/or permitting will be handled via email. Send asbestos notifications and inquiries to [email protected].
Submittals associated with permitting of air facilities (state or local) will be handled via email. Send permitting correspondence and inquiries to [email protected].
Voice messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6925.
Code Coordination and Public Hearings (CCPH)
Submittals associated with municipal zoning application reviews, requests for Letters of Interpretation and applications for Environmental Quality Control Board can be submitted through the DERM Online Portal.Voice messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6764.
Code Enforcement
- You may call 305-372-6902 for inquires or assistance.
Environmental Complaints
- Call 305-372-6955, 24 hours a day, or email [email protected].
Environmental Permitting Activities
- Email [email protected].
Environmental Monitoring and Restoration Division (EMRD)
Reviews associated with the following services can be submitted to [email protected]:- Ambient and Wellfield Groundwater Monitoring
- Background Studies
- Beneficial Reuse
- Brownfield Delegation
- Construction and Dewatering at Contaminated/Solid Waste Sites
- Contaminated Sites
- Environmental Risk Assessments
- Environmental Site Assessment
- EPA Superfund Sites
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (FDEP’s) Petroleum Restoration Program - Assessment of Petroleum Program-Eligible Cases
- Hazardous Material Determination
- Notice of Required Testing Reports
- Petroleum Delegation (Financial and Technical)
- Product Approval
- Remediation Action Plans
- Sampling Notifications
- Soil and Groundwater Sampling
- Solid Waste Facilities
- Storage Tank Closure Assessment Reports
Messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6700.
Environmental Plan Review
- Call 305-372-6899 (OTV) or 305-492-2004 (Hialeah)
Inspections and Complaints (Stormwater & Beaches)
- Call 305-372-6529
Natural Resources Division
Reviews associated with the following Coastal Resources services can be submitted via the DERM Online Portal:- Class I Permit – coastal construction docks, seawalls, mangrove trimming
- Expedited Administrative Authorization
- Biological Assessment
- Coastal Wetlands Jurisdictional Determination
- Binding Letters
Voice messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6575 and inquiries can be sent to [email protected].
Submittals associated with the permitting of trees and natural forest communities can be submitted via the DERM Online Portal.
Please send all tree permit applications inquiries to [email protected]. Voice messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6731.
Reviews associated with the following Water Control Section services can be submitted via the DERM Online Portal:
- Class II Permit – Drainage outfalls
- Class III Permit – Work in county canal right-of-way
- Class V Permit – Dewatering activities
- Class VI Permit – Drainage permit in contaminated sites
- Cut and Fill review
- Drainage Wells review
- Surface Water Management General Permit (ERP)
Voice messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6681 and inquiries can be sent to [email protected].
Reviews associated with the following Wetlands Resources services shall be submitted via the DERM Online Portal:
- Class IV Permit – work in wetlands
- Expedited Administrative Authorization
- Biological Assessment
- Wetlands Jurisdictional Determination
- Binding Letters
Voice messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6585 and inquiries can be sent to [email protected].
Pollution Regulation Division
Permit submittals associated with the following Environmental Permitting services can be submitted to [email protected]:- Industrial Waste / Industrial Waste Pretreatment
- Solid Waste
Voice messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6600 (Option 1).
Storage Tank Construction Inspections can be scheduled as usual at 305-372-6521. Any inquiries regarding the requesting of construction inspections can be sent to [email protected].
Stormwater Utility Operations
- Call 305-372-6688
- Sewer Extension Permit (WASD is utility serving project): Use existing eBuilder program/protocol.
- Sewer Extension Permit (Municipal Utility serving project): An FTP site has been set up for the uploading of files so that the application can be processed by staff. Prior to submitting the application package, email [email protected] to be assigned a link to the specific work directory that will be assigned for the project.
Submittals and inquiries associated with the following permitting programs will be made to the listed email:
- Fats, Oils, and Grease Program: [email protected]
- Wastewater Treatment Program: [email protected]
- Potable Well Program: [email protected]
- Private / Public Sanitary Sewer Program: [email protected]
FOG Construction Inspections can be scheduled as usual at [email protected].
Voice messages for the program can be left at 305-372-6920.
- Payments of DERM Fees can be made to the Cashiering Section at 305-372-6755
- Stormwater Utility Payments can be made at 305-372-6688.
Fire Rescue: Fire Engineering (Plans Review)
- Plans submittal shall be in accordance with the Miami-Dade Regulatory and Economic Resources instructions
- All plan review meetings will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Read more details
- After-hours plans review (Special Request Plans Review) is available via the electronic portal by submitting the SRP form with the application. You may obtain the form by visiting the Fire Rescue Permit Forms & Checklists
Fire Rescue: New Construction
- Fire inspection requests can be entered online
- Inspectors will maintain social distance protocols during inspections; some inspections may be conducted virtually
- Temporary Certificate of Occupancy processing requires an appointment which can be scheduled by calling 786-315-2771
- Appointments with plan review staff are available in-person or virtually on Design Professional Day and can be schedule through the online registration system (MeetQ)
- After-hours inspections for eligible occupancies continue to be available.
Fire Rescue: Existing Construction
- Routine inspections for Annual Operating Permit renewals are being conducted
- Inspections for critical complaints will be conducted
- Requests for inspections and life safety complaints can be requested online
- Emergency Action Plans should be submitted electronically whenever possible.
- Public Works is maintaining operations currently. You may visit the Public Works Online Permit System and register/sign-in to apply for a Public Works permit for:
- Commercial properties
- Residential properties under construction
- New driveways for existing properties.
You will also be able to make payments and schedule inspections using the portal.For inquiries or assistance, please email to (DTPW) Permits at [email protected]. - The department is maintaining all development services to the public currently. All customers requiring assistance from New Business can submit agreements, letters of availability, paper plans, conveyance documents, floating meters, job orders and other services needs in person via drop-off at the office located at 3575 South LeJeune Road, Miami
- Customers can get clarification on plan review comments, discuss rework fees, or resolve other issues by meeting with WASD Plan Review Supervisors. For days and times please register through the online registration system (MeetQ) or calling 786-315-2100
- Inspections and construction services are functioning as normal via E-Builder. Contractors can request pre-construction meetings, testing, final inspections, and submittal of as-builts electronically through E-Builder
- To request a meeting regarding plan reviews or points of connection, email Jacqueline Mena at [email protected] or call 786-268-5262. For meetings on as-builts, inspections, plats, etc., email Peter Oliva at [email protected].
- The department is maintaining all development services to the public currently. All customers requiring assistance from New Business can submit agreements, letters of availability, paper plans, conveyance documents, floating meters, job orders and other services needs in person via drop-off at the office located at 3575 South LeJeune Road, Miami
Online Options
Plan Status & Application Portal
Permitting and Inspection Center
Edward A. Rojas
Permitting and Inspection Center
11805 SW 26th Street,
Miami, FL 33175