Top Services
Find detailed property information including ownership, sales, exemption benefits, taxable value information and more.
All Miami-Dade County employment applications are completed online. Create an account to apply for a current job opening.
Update your voter info, request a mail ballot, read your customized sample ballot, find out when and where to vote on election day and more.
Pay property taxes and business-related taxes online. Use resources to estimate taxes and learn about property tax exemptions.
Each year, Miami-Dade County residential waste collection households can receive two bulky waste pickups of up to 25 cubic yards each.
Get on board and around town with a Transit Pass. Buy one online, at any Metrorail station, other locations or by phone.
Pay your water bill online, check your water and sewer usage, request a pool credit or high bill investigation, and much more.
Motor vehicle registration renewals can be processed online, at the Tax Collector’s Office or at authorized agencies.
Search our current database for an inmate in-custody by entering their last name followed by their first initial or first name.
Report a Problem
Submit a service request to the 311 Contact Center for a simple and convenient way to report a problem, request a service or check the status of a previously submitted service request. You can schedule a bulky waste pickup, report a pothole, request a mosquito inspection and much more.
Submit a Service RequestPublic Records & Open Data
Latest News

Every year, March is designated Women's History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions to American history.

Each year, Solid Waste Services mails out information which includes a recycling calendar, a Waste Service Guide, a Residential Dumpster Service Guide, and more.

Drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians should be informed of new gate arms activated at various roadway intersections along the TransitWay.

Miami-Dade County recently received 143 Achievement Awards from the National Association of Counties (NACo), recognizing 11 County departments across several program categories.
Elected Officials
Visit Mayor's Website
Board of County Commissioners
Visit the Board of County Commissioners Website
View Constitutional Offices