Board of Rules and Appeals & Construction Trades Qualifying Board Interpretations
All matters pertaining to the Building Code and referred by the Secretary to the Board or any Building Official for interpretation or clarification go to the Board of Rules and Appeals (BORA).
The Board may interpret provisions of the Building Code to cover a special case if it appears that the provisions do not definitively cover the point raised, or that the intent of the provision is not clear, or that ambiguity exists in the wording; but the Board shall have no authority to grant variances where the Building Code is clear and specific.
The Construction Trades Qualifying Board (CTQB) renders decisions regarding the interpretation of Chapter 10 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Additionally, The Building Officials Association of Florida provides non-binding informal interpretations of the Florida Building Code in cooperation with the Florida Building Commission.

Board and Code Administration Division
Jaime D. Gascon
Herbert S. Saffir Permitting and Inspection Center
11805 SW 26 Street,
Room 124
Miami, FL 33175