Product Approval Notices
8th Edition FBC (2023) Roofing Underlayment Updates
On 12/31/2023 the 8th Edition of the Florida Building Code becomes effective. Changes in Chapter 15 of the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) as well as in the Test Protocols for the High Velocity Hurricane Zone will affect some of the current Notice of Acceptance’s (NOA) for Roofing Underlayments.
Product Control Advisory Plywood Deck Description in Uplift Test Reports for Roof Systems
In an effort to maintain consistency and transparency in the Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of roofing systems, the Product Control Section is providing guidance on how plywood roof sheathing decks are to be described in uplift test reports.
Product Control Advisory Verification of Supporting Testing for Roof System Assemblies at Time of Submittal
To address the concerns raised regarding the continued acceptability of previously provided supporting information for roofing system assemblies, Miami-Dade Product Control Section will be requiring the following for all Roof System submittals.
7th Edition FBC (2020) TAS 114 Appendix D - Uplift Testing Limitation in Section 1.2
On 12/31/2020, the 7th Edition of the Florida Building Code becomes effective. One of the changes that will take effect with the new code which may affect newly submitted or currently approved roofing assemblies is the inclusion of Section 1.2 in TAS 114 Appendix D.
Metal Roofing Jobsite Forming and/or Rolling Fee Schedule Clarification
Notice to provide clarification of the fee schedule for Metal Rollformer Association members.
Metal Deck Roofing System – NOA Policy
Implementation of requiring the yield strength of steel decks on test reports and roofing system NOAs filed after January 1, 2014.
Roofing Coatings, Adhesives and Mastics
Board of Rules and Appeals interpretation on whether the introduction of a reinforcing fabric within a coating matrix is acceptable based on the FBC definition of Roofing Coatings, Adhesives and Mastics.
Shutter Association Member Drawing Policy
Streamlining the shutter association member NOA process by not requiring that a new set of drawings be included with a member’s NOA application.
2011 FBC Energy Conservation
Implementation of the 2010 Florida Building Code - Energy Conservation (FBCEC) took effect March 15, 2012, and it establishes new minimum energy performance requirements for windows, doors and skylights. As building departments start enforcing these requirements in their plan reviews and inspections, the NOAs too will need to transition into incorporating these performance characteristics.
Shutter Stimulus 2011
The Product Control Section reintroduces the shutter stimulus program effective July 15, 2011. The change is designed to stimulate the shutter industry and will affect the submittals of New Shutter Association Members seeking to obtain an NOA.
Faster NOA Notice
Notice to inform industry of enhancements made to the NOA process affecting the Notice of Proposed Action time.
Safety Glazing Around Doors
Notice to inform industry of Code requirements for use of safety glazing around doors in storefronts, curtain walls and window walls.
Validation Process Memo
Miami-Dade County Product Control Section is providing validation service to those manufacturers opting to list their NOAs with the State of Florida.
Fire Barrier Memo
This policy affects the new, revision, or renewal submittals of Non-Structural Metal Roofing Systems. The adjustment will be to the fire barrier language that is currently listed in the assembly section of the NOA. Click on the link for more information.
Deflection Criteria TAS 202
This notice serves to inform all TAS202 certified laboratories that the deflection and permanent set readings of fenestration products with free-spanning jambs are to be measured in both wind load and in-plane directions.
Product Control Advisory - Proof-of-Purchase Note
The Product Control Section would like to announce that the NOA cover page and/or the approved drawings can contain a proof-of-purchase statement.
Product Control Advisory Shutters Stimulus for Association Members
The change is designed to stimulate the shutter industry and will affect the submittals of New Shutter Association Members seeking to obtain an NOA.
The Product Control Section's Certificate of Competencies are now available on the Internet
The Product Control Section would like to announce that Certificates of Competency are now available on the Internet.
Product Control Advisory – New Product Control "Seal of Approval" Phase-in Program
The Product Control Section is proud to announce that effective January 1, 2008 the Product Control "Seal of Approval" Phase-in Program will begin. Implementation process and procedures are outlined within.
Official Product Control Seal of Approval three colors
Artwork of the seal in three colors.
Official Product Control Seal of Approval one color Black
Artwork of the seal in black with a white background.
Official Product Control Seal of Approval one color Reverse out all White
Artwork of the seal in white with a black background.
Polyfoam Approved Applicators
A current list of approved Polyfoam applicators
Product Control Advisory - Submittal Fees for Multi Deck Continuous Roofing Systems
The Product Control Section would like to announce a policy change within our department that is scheduled to take effect on 10/01/06. The change will affect the submittals of New Continuous Roofing Systems on multiple deck types only.
September 2006 - Roofing Fasteners and Batten Plates Listing Program
The Product Control Section is proud to announce that effective October 1, 2006 the Roofing Fastener Listing Program will begin. This new program will allow for better tracking of the approvals through a new database.
June 2006 - Fastener Listing Industry Meeting Summary
A summary of the Fastener Industry meeting held on June 29, 2006.
Product Control Advisory Expedited NOA Review
The Product Control Section is proud to announce the expansion of its expedited services to all categories of products. With the original introduction of an expedited program for glazed products in July 2001, this extension allows any NOA application filed to be requested for expedited services.
November 2005 - Meeting to discuss address compliance with ASTM E1300-02
The Miami-Dade Product Control Section’s meeting announcement to discuss a proposed method to address compliance with ASTM E1300-02, while confirming to the reductions for flexible supports.
July 2005 - Metal Roofing Jobsite Forming Meeting Summary
A summary of the Metal Roofing Jobsite Roll Forming Meeting held June 20, 2005.
June 2005 - Metal Roofing Industry Meeting
Meeting announcement to discuss Metal Roofing Jobsite Roll Forming.
June 2005 - Metal roofing Jobsite Forming
The Miami-Dade Product Control Section Advisory addressing the proposed solution for Jobsite Roll Forming.
June 2005 - Metal Roofing Extrapolation
The Miami-Dade Product Control Section Advisory regarding Extrapolation of enhanced pressure zones and the effect on current NOA holders.
Product Control Section Advisory - 1/3 Allowable Stress Increase Code Change
The Miami-Dade Product Control Section Advisory listing the manner in which it will address the referenced code change when processing Notices of Acceptance (NOA).
Fee Schedule for a Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance
The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section wishes to advise that the attached application contains the new Fee Schedule for a Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance.
BORA Subcommittee on Anchors Report
A report dated September 16, 2003 on the outcome of the BORA subcommittee meeting with Product Control staff regarding Analysis of Anchors in Windows and Doors.

Board and Code Administration Division
Jaime D. Gascon
Herbert S. Saffir Permitting and Inspection Center
11805 SW 26 Street,
Room 124
Miami, FL 33175