Report an Agricultural Crime

Only through citizen crime reporting is the Agricultural Patrol Section able to focus on crimes targeting the agricultural areas. Since January 10, 2008, farms and fields in agricultural areas have been targeted with the theft of portable fuel tanks and farm grade diesel fuel, from 100 to 600 gallons each time. Members of the Agricultural Industry are encouraged to protect themselves from being victimized by:

  • Filing a report of missing inventory, known thefts, cut fences or gate lock chains, criminal mischief, etc.
  • Reporting location, date and time of occurrence, and the nature of the crime
  • Notifying Agricultural Patrol personnel with the description of any suspicious activity, person, and vehicle (tag, type, make, model, and color)

Report a Crime with the Miami-Dade Sheriff's Office Watch Order 

Phone Number(s)

Miami-Dade Sheriff's Office

Rosie Cordero-Stutz, Miami-Dade County Sheriff

Miami-Dade Sheriff Fred Taylor Headquarters
9105 NW 25th Street, Doral, FL 33172

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