Fire Rescue Community Outreach
Health Emergency Life Protection (HELP) Training Course
This two-hour workshop will teach participants to HELP save a life by learning how to recognize the most common life-threatening emergencies and begin medical care until more advanced care providers arrive.
Truck Demonstrations
Firefighters will bring fire trucks to schools and other community organizations when scheduled a least two weeks in advance.
Station Tours
Station tours may be scheduled for groups with up to 35 participants. Station tours must be scheduled a least two weeks in advance. Firefighters assigned to the station of choice will walk the group through the facility explaining all the aspects of life at the firehouse, including a truck demonstration.
Juvenile Firesetter Referral
The Juvenile Firesetter Prevention and Intervention Program targets at-risk children and teens with an interest in or a history of starting fires, initiating bomb threats, creating incendiary devices or pulling fire alarms.
Fire and Life Safety Programs
Fire and Life Safety presentations help raise awareness and reduce risk during an emergency. Free training programs offered are Fire Extinguisher Training, Getting Out Alive Evacuation training, Fire and Fall Safety for Older Adults, and Fire Drills.
Fire and Fall Safety Program for Older Adults
Knowing what to do in the event of a fire or a fall is particularly important for older adults. This program is built around key safety messages presented in a fun and interactive environment for groups of older adults.
High-rise / Multi-Residential Fire and Life Safety Programs
Fire and Life Safety presentations help raise awareness and reduce risk during an emergency. The Fire Extinguisher Training and Getting Out Alive Evacuation Training presentations are free of charge and must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance.
Literature Booths
Literature booths provide safety brochures and educational material related to fire and life safety.
Free Hard of Hearing Smoke Alarms and Installation
The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Public Education Bureau will provide free hard-of-hearing smoke alarms and installation for homes of qualified residents living in unincorporated Miami-Dade County while supplies last.
The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Cadet Program was established to further the interest of high school students between the ages of 14 and 18 the opportunity to become exposed to a career in the fire rescue service. The application period is open from January to March for a summer recruit class.
Emergency Medical Technician Academy Attendance Scholarship
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue’s Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Academy will be awarding up to 40 Attendance Scholarships to eligible graduates from a Miami-Dade County public high school.
Junior Lifeguards
This program is for youths interested in learning the responsibilities of ocean lifeguards. We will provide the young men and women of our community a sound aquatic background and show them the hazards of ocean swimming. Students will be exposed to an environment that will teach them courtesy, respect, discipline, sound morals and good sportsmanship.
After the Fire
No two fires are the same. The After the Fire booklets will help answer some of the questions you may have after a fire has occurred in your home and to provide some guidance.
Fire Rescue
Raied "Ray" Jadallah, Fire ChiefR. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st Street,
Miami, FL 33178-2414