Migrant Farmworker Historic Context Study
This project hopes to expand understanding of the history and important places related to the experiences of the migrant farmworker community with the goal to share a fuller history representative of the lasting impact this community has had on the growth and change of Miami-Dade County.
The Migrant Farmworker Context Study is the third phase of dynamic progression of work led by the Office of Historic Preservation in its ongoing effort to raise awareness of historic resources associated with historically excluded groups, and to increase support research of historically significant locations across Miami-Dade County’s to support preservation of its built environment. OHP recognizes the need for more in-depth research into the impact and contributions of migrant farmworker community and its past and present built environment.
This is a chance to share memories of places, events centering on the history of the migrant farming community county-wide to recognize places that are important to you. These may be sites that are significant to individuals and the community's history, including houses, churches, playgrounds, schools, cemeteries, businesses, and other locations linked to the history and diverse heritage of the migrant farmworker community.
Original structures need not be standing at the present for you to share them as part of the study. If a site was the location of a significant event or the previous location of a structure that holds historic significance but is no longer there, we encourage you to share its story with us.
Tell Your Story
The Office of Historic Preservation is launching a Context Study focused on the Migrant Farmworker Community. We invite you to share stories about historic buildings, sites, landmarks, and people important to you and this community, whether these places still exist or not. This effort hopes to recognize and preserve sites that highlight the Migrant Farmworker community’s impact on the history and growth. We are interested in all types of places, such as:
- Houses
- Churches
- Cemeteries
- Stores
- Community centers
- Parks
- Playgrounds
- Schools
- Restaurants
Online Options
Share Your Migrant Farmworker Story
Historic Preservation
Sarah Cody
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
12th Floor
Miami, FL 33128
305-375-4958 | historicpreservation@miamidade.gov