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Rural Event Venues

In October 2020, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 20-108 providing for Rural Event Venues in the Agricultural Zoning District (AU). The ordinance defined Rural Event Venues as follows:

A venue, located in an agriculturally zoned area, for special functions such as weddings, receptions, corporate meetings or similar gatherings.

The adopted ordinance states that a Rural Event Venue is permitted in a property zoned AU that:

  • is being used, in whole or in part, for bona fide agricultural purposes and contains land that is classified as such by the County’s Property Appraiser (agricultural exemption); or
  • contains a bed and breakfast establishment in compliance with the County’s Zoning Code; or
  • is designated historic, in whole or in part, by Miami-Dade County.

A Certificate of Use is required to operate as a rural event venue.

The regulations in the ordinance address two different scenarios.

Certificate of Use Application

Refer to the scenarios above to determine the application requirements for your property.