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Pictured from left to right: Director of Strategic Procurement Namita Uppal, Natalya Vasilyeva and Internal Services Department Director Alex Muñoz.
Pictured from left to right: Director of Strategic Procurement Namita Uppal, Natalya Vasilyeva and Internal Services Department Director Alex Muñoz.

The important work performed by County employees requires tools and supplies acquired through Government procurement. Natalya Vasilyeva works for Strategic Procurement in the Internal Services Department (ISD). Her expertise helps County departments secure the goods and services needed to support our community.

For Natalya, it is a responsibility she does not take lightly. She is someone who is always alert and proactive; she has to be in order to successfully manage an average of 40 contracts. These may include re-solicitations, from initiation to award, options to renew, contract modifications and accessing other governmental contracts for the County.

She was recently recognized for her many accomplishments by ISD. The impact of the different solicitations under her purview represents many important programs that protect our most vulnerable residents. Natalya managed Head Start Program Services, where 17 separate contracts and six lease agreements were negotiated. She was also instrumental in awarding several COVID-related contracts. These included the COVID vaccine for homebound Miami-Dade County residents, vaccinations for the elderly and patients at long-term care facilities, and mobile vaccination deployments.

“There are multiple aspects of what I enjoy in procurement,” Natalya said. “The process requires high levels of analytical and commercial skills. It may require navigating legislation, but also people skills such excellent communication, negotiation and influencing. It is never boring, that I can tell you."

Another factor that Natalya enjoys in procurement is what she can do for the community. "It is something you can proudly show to your family and kids and say “yes, this is your mommy who helped to bring this project to life.”

Procurement became her profession right after graduating from Colorado Tech with an MBA in Supply Chain and Operations. She started with the County in 2016.

According to one of her department clients, Natalya is a true problem-solver. She challenges everyone to make things come together properly.

“As County employees, we rely on procurement to complete our assigned responsibilities. I’m grateful to have someone like Natalya who is always ready to go above and beyond to make sure things go as planned.”

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We work with departments to identify and assist with workforce issues including a renewed emphasis on performance management and standardized discipline policies, employee development and knowledge transfer, ongoing evaluation of workplace rules, and implementation of workforce metrics to measure and analyze overtime utilization, absenteeism, appeals, payroll issues, and employee development needs.

We coordinate negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and develop viable and sustainable healthcare options. Employee programs include training, wellness and diversity.

We provide residents and employees with a means to have discrimination cases heard and resolved through investigation, mediation, and appeals.