Web and mobile application designs or re-designs must meet the current County web standards before being released for use by employees or the public. The Digital Communications and the Information Technology Department should be involved from the initial design phase for any application intended for internal or public use. Such applications are also subject to the general usability and ADA guidelines.

Prior to starting a new application development project, please contact [email protected].

Web Applications

All applications proposed for use by the public will undergo a review and sign off by the ITD security office. This review should take place prior to the development of the proposed application, and no application is to be deployed prior to approval by the County Security Officer.

Web application developers must notify the Communications & Customer Experience Department before developing any new applications or beginning a redesign project.

The Communications & Customer Experience Department will advise web application developers on current County web standards, including design, usability and accessibility.

The Communications & Customer Experience Department will work with web application developers to develop the project schedule for testing, gather feedback – revise as necessary before release – establish benchmarks, provide customer support and promote the new service.

Mobile Applications

All online applications produced for Miami-Dade County must be self-contained and not include links to commercial or other third-party sites.

Departments that want to produce online applications will coordinate the production with the Communications & Customer Experience Department to ensure that professional standards of quality are included in written contracts with external production companies.

Contract language will specifically state that linking to commercial or other third-party sites will not be allowed.

County departments should require that all third-party applications are hosted on a miamidade.gov domain or are capable of being included on a miamidade.gov website without pointing to a dot com.

Before developing requirements for new online applications, Departments should contact the Communications & Customer Experience Department for a consultation on current standards and best practices.

The Communications & Customer Experience Department will provide departments templates that follow current branding standards and advise on application standards for usability and accessibility.

The Communications & Customer Experience Department will work with mobile application developers to develop the project schedule for testing, gather feedback – revise as necessary before release – establish benchmarks, provide customer support, and promote the new service.

Web applications must meet the current County web standards before being released for use by employees or the public.

Applications launched on the miamidade.gov domain will be registered with Google Analytics to provide a measurement of the use of the new application.

Third-Party Applications

All online applications produced for Miami-Dade County must be self-contained and not include links to commercial or other third-party sites.

Departments that want to produce online applications will coordinate the production with the Communications & Customer Experience Department to ensure that professional standards of quality are included in written contracts with external production companies.

Contract language will specifically state that linking to commercial or other third-party sites will not be allowed.

County departments should require that all third-party applications are hosted on a miamidade.gov domain or are capable of being included on a miamidade.gov website without pointing to a dot com.

Before developing requirements for new online applications, Departments should contact the Communications & Customer Experience Department for a consultation on current standards and best practices.

The Communications & Customer Experience Department will provide departments templates that follow current branding standards and advise on application standards for usability and accessibility.

The Communications & Customer Experience Department will work with mobile application developers to develop the project schedule for testing, gather feedback – revise as necessary before release – establish benchmarks, provide customer support, and promote the new service.

Web applications must meet the current County web standards before being released for use by employees or the public.

Applications launched on the miamidade.gov domain will be registered with Google Analytics to provide a measurement of the use of the new application.


Common Accessibility Issues - A list of common issues, fixes and suggested reading.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 – The most commonly applied standards for web accessibility.

Site Improve Chrome Extension – This extension checks web pages for common accessibility errors and provides strategies for remdiation.

Google Lighthouse Chrome Extension – Provides a variety of feedback on accessibility, page speed and more.

NVDA Screenreader – NVDA is a freely available screen reader relied upon by many users with disabilities.