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- Loren Parra
- [email protected]
Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava reacts to the Florida Legislature's special session on property insurance
Today, the Florida Legislature ended their special session by passing three bills across both chambers. These bills covering property insurance, disaster relief for hurricanes Ian and Nicole, and a statewide toll credit program for frequent commuters of the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX), Venetian, and Rickenbacker Causeways, now head to the Governor’s desk for final signing.
Mayor Daniella Levine Cava released the following statement:
“Too many Florida families have felt the pain of our unstable property insurance market, facing skyrocketing annual rates and the sudden cancellations of longstanding policies. This month’s special session was the ideal opportunity to tackle these issues head-on and provide meaningful relief to struggling homeowners.
Unfortunately, the property insurance package legislators just passed does not provide the reform we need to bring down the cost of insurance, expand the number of insurers in the Florida market, or protect policyholders. Rather than bringing down Florida insurance rates – already the highest in the country, three times the national average – this package will only serve to increase premiums for Florida homeowners while providing even fewer consumer protections.
The legislature’s decision to create a $500 million toll-road discount plan will bring welcome relief to our frequent Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) commuters.
My administration will continue to do everything in our power to bring down the cost of housing for our residents – by investing in building new housing people can afford, creating more pathways to homeownership, and working with our Board of County Commissioners to explore reimagined flood protection regulation and other policies.”
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Daniella Levine Cava,Office of the Mayor
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Miami, FL 33128
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