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- Kathleen Labrada
- [email protected]
Miami-Dade County receives national recognition in 2024 Green Fleet Awards
The Miami-Dade County Internal Services Department (ISD) Fleet Management Division has ranked 3rd in the National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA) 17th Annual Green Fleet Awards. Open to public as well as commercial fleet organizations, the Green Fleet Awards honors 50 peak-performing fleets for outstanding sustainability efforts and enhanced environmental practices. Judging hundreds of applications from across North America, NAFA selects winning fleet organizations based on their groundbreaking and inventive programs to advance green initiatives. ISD’s top spot in 2024 builds upon last year’s 4th place ranking in the 2023 Green Fleet Awards. ISD also ranked 9th in NAFA’s 2024 “100 Best Fleets in the Americas” competition this past May.
“ISD’s national recognition for best-in-class performance is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to meeting the needs of our community and our environment,” said Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. “Thanks to ISD’s hard work and enduring dedication, our County continues to show the way forward as a leading community on climate action, sustainability and innovation.”
Under Mayor Levine Cava’s comprehensive Climate Action Strategy, ISD’s Fleet Management Division plays a leading role in countywide initiatives such as reaching 100% light fleet electrification by 2030, centralizing vehicle purchase and replacement, developing charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, enhancing fuel standards, and more.
“Interdepartmental cooperation is key to meeting the Mayor’s countywide goals,” said ISD’s Division Director of Fleet Management, Yoamel Zequeira, who highlighted the Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) in particular as a partner for creating long-term sustainability. “By replacing diesel buses with compressed natural gas and electric buses, DTPW ultimately reduced diesel consumption by 94%.”
Impressed by the department’s clear focus on executive policy and leadership, NAFA additionally awarded ISD special recognition for Best Policies, Procedures, and Long-Term Planning in 2024, and furthermore invited the Fleet Management Division to join a discussion panel at the Green Fleet Awards ceremony.
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Raymond Hall,People and Internal Operations
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Miami, FL 33128
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