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- Media and Public Relations Bureau
- [email protected]
- 305-204-2526
MDFR FL-TF1 to deploy ahead of Tropical Storm Helene
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR)’s Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Florida Task Force One (FL-TF1) has received Activation Orders to deploy as a State of Florida asset in preparation for Tropical Storm Helene's landfall and aftermath.
FL-TF1 is deploying as a Type I US&R Task Force with an embedded swift/floodwater rescue capability. The 84-person task force will stage up in Ocala to assist following the storm.
FL-TF1’s mission is to respond to natural and man-made disasters by providing search and rescue support, medical support, communications, damage assessment, and coordination of relief supply distribution.
MDFR’s US&R Team is set up to perform the following operations:
- Conduct physical search and rescue operations in damaged/collapsed structures and transportation accidents
- Provide emergency medical care at disaster sites for trapped victims and Task Force members
- Carry out reconnaissance duties to assess damage and determine needs, then use that information to provide feedback to all agencies involved
- Provide disaster communications support using state-of-the-art satellite systems
- Conduct hazardous materials surveys/evaluations of affected areas
- Assist in stabilizing damaged structures, including shoring and cribbing operations as required
Please confirm attendance by email along with the names of crew members who will be attending the MDFR FL-TF1 Deployment to [email protected].
Parking Instructions: Media parking will be available adjacent to the MDFR Training Facility. Once you arrive, please text our Media Line at 305-204-2526, and someone from our team will escort you inside.
For more information, please contact MDFR’s Media and Public Relations Bureau at 305-204-2526.
9300 NW 41 Street
Doral, FL 33178
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To request materials in accessible format, sign language interpreters, and/or any accommodation to participate in any County-sponsored program or meeting, please contact the ADA Coordinator, five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).
Raied "Ray" Jadallah,Fire Rescue
R. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st Street,
Miami, FL 33178-2414
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